Friday, April 29, 2016

What is SEXY ?

What is SEXY according to you ? 
Is it the looks of a man or a woman ? 
Is it the physique that they have maintained ?
 Or is it the car they drive or the house they live in?

I think it isn't what's outside that really counts. It's what you're made of from inside that shows who you truly are. In the smooth waters, it's easy to be a leader. But it's only the bravest who comes in front and takes up the lead. That's what leaders do. I believe that it is really sexy.

With that said, I don't say that being fit isn't good, living in a big house isn't great or driving a Ferrari isn't awesome, yes, it is great, but that's not be all and end all. I believe that's a superficial version of being sexy ! Money, house, your toys (cars and bikes) they're temporary therefore superficially sexy. It's what inside you that is counted as sexy. 

Passion is sexy. 
Courage is sexy. 
Determination is sexy. 
Counting your setbacks as your stepping stones to success is sexy. 
The quest inside you to unleash the greatest potential in you is sexy. 
The positive aura that you create is sexy. 
The spirit of never giving up is sexy. 
The will to go against the society and chase your dreams is sexy. 

And if you have all of it, then my dear friend, you're damn sexy !

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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