Sunday, May 22, 2016

Are We Really Fast On the Road To Our Dreams ?

Are you really fast and furious ?

By no means, this title or this blog is in connection to the famous movie franchise. Was just watching the latest fast and furious movie and while watching it, I got struck with the idea to write a blog post on speed.

BTW... Do You love speed ? Oh yes, I do.

 Disclaimer :- Please wear your helmet and seat belts while driving. Don't drink and drive. Follow traffic rules and drive safely and responsibly. I really don't support rash driving. It's better to reach late than never.

We all love speed. Not just speed of cars and bikes in real world or reel world but in many other cases as well. If your child is learning something you want him to learn it fast. A boss somewhere in Mexico wants his subordinates to do work on a higher rate. Look at the stock market, the Wall Street, it is all the game of speed. So in a nutshell, we all love speed. Now please tell me have you ever tracked how speedily you're going or working towards your dreams ?

Today morning I was driving back my mom from her school and while driving the car, I got this beautiful insight which I would like to put in here.

When you're driving, you increase speed when the road is clear. You slow down near a roadblock or a hump or on the red light. I believe that is the way we should drive the car of our life. Whenever you see a roadblock do you change your destination ? No. You change the route. The same way you should not change your dreams if the world says they're too big or you can't do that. Take a different route. If one solution didn't work why give up? Look out for another.

There will be many red lights, roadblocks and humps to shake you off your path to dreams. But I believe it's what inside you and your car that keeps you going. It's the fuel of positivity and hope that drives the car. 

 Speed up yourself to your dreams. Track your speed continuously. I know it's difficult to keep the same speed all over your journey to success but then (I love this line a lot ) Who loves to have easy success ?

So… Are you really fast and furious for your dreams ?

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Why Should We Change ?

At some point in our lives or might be right now you must have been going through a situation or a circumstance that you want to avoid or change. But guess what, the situations or your circumstances will never get solved they will just get a lot messier in the coming times. This is an age of dramatic and drastic changes. So we need to have some backup plans ready.

For doing this, we need to change ourselves. Change is inevitable. Change is necessary. You have to change. Or else the circumstances will change you. What I feel is that it's really up to you if you want to change yourself or you want the life to change you ? Because if you change yourself then you'll do that before the hammer falls on your head. But if life changes you, then I guess you'll change by the fall of the hammer on your head.

Okay, let's not get negative about the change and focus on why we need to change ?

You should change for the good. You should change to get your dreams. If your mouth speaks Lamborghini and your work ethics speak Honda then will you get Lamborghini? I don't think so. When our mouth speaks more than our work, that is just the very moment to shut up. If your car or bike gets outdated we change them. In the same way, to achieve something better in life we have to discard away all the bad constructions and design and construct some new beautiful monuments in our lives.  

Friends, life is difficult if you don't change with it. Change is necessary. 

When you were born did you have teeth ? 
No. You changed over time, right ? 

When you got married you didn't feel comfortable sharing your wardrobe rack with your spouse, right ? 
But you changed over time. 

When you didn't like some of the habits of your first girlfriend, didn't you change yourself ? 
I bet you did. 
Why ? Because you loved her.

You know what I've seen, mostly people can change themselves for someone else but rarely do they change themselves FOR themselves. Why is it that for something external we are so much willing to change than for ourselves? Might be that is because we don't value ourselves more than others. 

Why is there an external power that drives you to change ?  The external illusionary power is strong or your own infinite potential is ? 

I leave you with this question today because the moment you answer my this question, you'll automatically be willing to change for the good, that you so very much deserve. Start changing yourself for the good, then after some time, you'll be doing better and then suddenly someday you'll be doing extraordinary. And you'll be the best among the herd !!!

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

How To Be Legendary In Your Work ?

Let me ask you a question today, who according to you are Legends ?

I believe they are those who know what their life is meant about. They know that the world is a stage and they need to perform their best each and every day. They are those guys who believe that success and riches are always accumulated with dedicated hard work.

Here we are, you and me, in our, as always, one to one conversation to help you discover the secrets of the "behind the scenes" hard work that these Legends like Chris Brown, Madonna, Barack Obama and Roger Federer put in to get the respect and love from their respective audience, which they so much deserve.

So let's shift some gears and start...

1) The Legends have a high focus around their To-Dos

They know that the time once spent cannot be taken back. They are very well aware of their work and the things that matter the most to them or let me put this a more tedious way... They don't let their most important stuff be at the mercy of the least important stuff. Most of their time goes in accomplishing something great in their task. They love spending time with their craft.

2) They focus on the Basics.

All legends know this very well that a strong foundation is a necessity. Therefore, they spend a little time every day focusing on the basics, strengthening them, day by day. Basics are so very much important. Just like the way every time a world champion goes for his round of warm up before his daily practice routines, the same way we need to brush up our basics before we step into the arena.

3) They invest their time and energy well.

All of us have a limited amount of time and energy with us. What differentiates the way Bill Gates spends his set of 24 hrs and the way you and I spend our respective sets of 24 hrs is the reason why his earnings are in multiples of ours.

The way Bill Gates spends his days is much better than ours. And there is one thing you would agree on as well that he is a legend. Legends like him are ruthlessly engaged in spending their time focusing on their magnificent obsessions. For you and me obsession might be a negative word, but for these legends, obsession is a positive word, because that obsession is in direct relation with their dreams.

4) Dynamic Environment, Game changing ideas.

Each and every second there is a new opponent entering the market for these legends. They know this pretty well that someday their own followers might be their biggest competitors. But since these guys are the legends, they have made a new friend who is always backing them up with game-changing ideas to beat their contemporaries. This friend is INNOVATION. The one who innovates the more, survives longer in today’s market. 

All great leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes and sports stars in today’s era are constantly striving for the best. Constantly in the back of their mind, there is a Question going on :- 
How can I improve my performance? 
How can my company outperform its last quarter’s performance? 
How can I rise to a whole new level of iconic? 
How can I add an outrageous amount of value in my personal and professional life? 

For surviving in this age of drastic changes, we need to constantly ask ourselves these questions to stay on track.

5) Fitness is their religion

You must have noticed that all these elite players of their respective fields, they all are super fit. Even today’s millionaires and big corporate people invest a considerable amount of time in gyms and attaining a balanced physical fitness level. Why so ? Because they all understand that physical fitness is mental fitness. And to get your mental fitness you need to have to be physically fit. A genius mind can only reside in a physically fit body. You really cannot put a price tag on fitness. Yes, the fees of your gym are high but would that really matter if you get some awesome ideas to amp up your work while doing your gym ? Don’t see your gym fee as an expense, see it as an investment. When you start viewing your fitness as an expense, your ingrained genius trait becomes a liability to your mind. And it will never let you access it until and unless you pay the liability by daily exercising. There are many more benefits of being fit which I’ll share with you in another blog post.

6) They celebrate their successes

This is another famous technique used by the legends. Now I know, you must be saying that how is “celebrating after success” viewed by me as a technique ?

Please allow me to share my vision with you. I’ve noticed one thing that whenever these legends achieve something they celebrate it in a grand way. You know why ? Yes, of course, to give themselves rewards for the success, but somewhere down the line they derive some form of inspiration from it. I recently read an article of a famous business tycoon and he shared that whenever he goes out to a beach with his family after working long enough for months, he does spend quality time with his loved ones but those are the place where he finds most of his business ideas. See you cannot find your game changing ideas for your job or your work, by just sitting in the cabin box. You need to get out of that place to breath some more dreams in your mind and to breath in some more inspiration, dedication, commitment, and confidence to gain what you want.

So these were the simple steps followed by the legends. They are not some very difficult steps. They’re simple but not easy and that is what differentiates the legends from the average. This gives us another small point of differentiation.. commitment. They are committed to being world-class

A special note to the reader,

My dear friend,
The world is counting on you to showcase your genius to us. We the world, are waiting. Will you steal away such a golden opportunity from us ?

Please don't. Because if you do, the world can see another genius, but not the rare genius that is hidden in you.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Construction of a New You

All great constructions take time. It took years to build the Taj Mahal.  Everything that is considered epic in today's world, took years of hard work and consistency to get ready. I believe the same way is the development of us, humans.

We should constantly strive for being the best in what we do. Each and every day ,day in and day out, we should try to be more productive in whatever field we are.

Just like the way it takes years to build a beautiful building, our human body, mind and spirit are our priceless assets. We should build these assets to such a great level that they get appreciated, not depreciated day by day.

The base of a beautiful building is always built on a few things given as follows :-
1) Blue Print Plan
2) An engineer
3) A supportive Team
4) Hard working labour
5) Building Material
6) Strong foundation

In the same way, we need the following people by our side to assist us and be a better version of ourselves each and every day. They are as follows :-

1) A Blue Print Plan

Vision with clarity becomes a mission.
If you don't know where you want to go you'll lead anywhere.
So first of all, on a fresh crisp paper write down what all qualities you want to imbibe in yourself and what all negativities you want to give up.

2) An  Engineer

The engineer for building the marvelous building in you is YOU. The way you build yourself defines you. It defines the inner leader in you. It defines your devotion to excellence. It defines the ultimate reservoir of power that resides within you. You just need to tap into it.

3) A Supportive Team

Surround yourself with people you trust. Build you own army of leaders and thinkers who are ready to fight for you. We all need someone to support us during our tough times. So don't you need someone to be there when you're facing those tough turns life throws at you? I know you're brave. And I applaud for that bravery of yours. But I gently suggest you, be in touch with the people who are your idols in some way or the other. Be it your school teacher, or your fellow classmate or your colleague. Anyone can be your teacher. Check my blog post here on The Hidden Mentor that we have in our lives. Only if we are willing to learn something from everyone. Surround yourself with such people. Read their books. Follow their principles. Follow their blogs. 

4) Hardworking Labour

So how do you get a hard working labor for your masterpiece to be build up to the level of perfection you desire? Well, that's simple. You already have a labor with you. A labor ready to put in 24 hrs work, day in and day out to make you reach iconic levels of performance. And that labor, my good friend, is your nerve cells of your mind.

Your nerve cells are ready to back you up in your field of endeavor. Our nerve cells don't know if the way we're directing them is a positive or a negative direction. Our nerve cells don't know the difference between determination and disruption.

Therefore, it is very much important for you to provide your nerve cells with the fuel of positivity and passion that they drive you and your will power so strongly towards your dreams that you're just undefeatable. 

5) Building Material

Thoughts are the fuel that you give to your nerve cells in your mind. They are your true building materials.

Do you know what's the difference between a loser and a winner? 

It settles down to one thing... Thoughts running through their minds.

I know you want to be world class. I know you want to reach a place higher than your colleagues. I know you want to be the most caring and kindest person in the world. I know you want your children to look up to you as their hero. And for achieving all that, you just need to re-wire your mental framework. Change is necessary. You have to change. Start thinking good thoughts. Whenever you're free, instead of switching on your Wi-Fi network or your mobile data, be silent and think about the way you're leading your life. All great men and women, the history has even seen, had this thing in common. They always used to guide their thoughts. They never allowed their thoughts to guide them. They always used to think constantly about their work. Because for you, your work might be just work, but for them, for the A players of today, for them their work is their passion. Their work is a way for them to showcase the genius in them to the audience. And if you think you don't have any audience, then you're miserably mistaken. Bring out the genius in you because the world is just waiting to see it. It's more or less like the hall in which the audience is waiting for the curtains to slide away so that they could welcome the star performer of the day.

The chairs are set. The audience is sitting. The audience is waiting. The lights are on. The sound system is working perfectly. The mics are checked. 

Hey ! Wait a minute. Are you, the star performer of the day, ready to rock on stage ?

6) Strong Foundation

Last but by no means the least. Every great building is built on a strong foundation. No matter how beautiful the building is, if the foundation isn't correct it will tilt after some time. A live example of this is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The same way, if a human being is not having the right set of foundation material, he will some way or the other tilt towards the negativities in life like drinking, smoking, drugs and what not. And I know you're not meant for that. You're meant for something higher. Let me not extend this blog post, and sum it up in the best way. 

Three words define the foundation principle am sharing : Values, ethics and principles. A man without strong values, ethics, and principles spends his days and his life just hanging around, thus never contributes towards the upliftment of the society. And I believe if someone cannot provide his resources towards the upliftment of the society than that man is nothing but a burden on the economy.

Build yourself ONCE. STRONG.


Build yourself WEAK.
Rebuild yourself every time an earthquake in your life blows you away.

The former gives better R.O.I. (Return On Investment) than the latter option, don't you think so?

The choice... As always... Is yours.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Friday, May 06, 2016

What is LIFE ?

Our life is the biggest blessing given to us by the Almighty. Yet we don't know the reason why we are here and what purpose do we have? Yet many people spend their lives watching television in a subdivision and then complain of never achieving their dreams.

I believe that if you'll spend the whole of your life fretting about the problems, you'll never be able to achieve your aspirations. And that is not the real meaning of life. The real meaning of life lies in the secret of discovering who  you truly are and the reason, the mission, the vision you hold in your mind to make the dreams come true that are so very much close to your heart.

I believe life isn't a popularity contest or a competition, and it ain't even a rat race. This dogma is old. I believe that life is a challenge. But against yourself. 

Life means an act. An act of living with some solid purpose to leave the world a better place than you found it. And if you cannot do this. You're not fit to live.

Life means being in competition against yourself each and every moment of your life. Life means giving yourself the opportunity to serve others. Life means throwing away all the past hurts and living your life afresh because you just never know when it will be your last day. Life means being in sync with your deepest values and ethics. Life means working hard each and every time you face up a challenge. Life means getting back up every time you get knocked down. Life means, the moment you're drowned in your own sweat, blood, and dust and still... looking in the eye of the challenge and saying... " That's the best you can do? " and giving it a hell of a punch in the face. Life means giving yourself the freedom to be the child at heart sometimes. Life means having traits like kindness, care, and love imbibed in your DNA. Life means putting a smile on the face of a stranger. (myself done this many times, feels good) Life means giving up something you love for someone you love because you care more about the person than the product itself.

Life means showing leadership in the rough times. Life means giving out the best when the world expects the least from you. Life means expressing your innate love for your talents to the world and astonishing it. Life means being so exceptional in the world you're trying to create and the life you're trying to live that the world just has to salute YOU. Life means expressing your genius in your field of endeavor that you rise from being a professional to a legend and the world has no other option but to give you a standing ovation.

Well, that's life :)

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

L  :- Live 
I   :- It
F  :- Fully
E  :- Extraordinarily 

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

How to identify Negative People in Your Life ?

Have you ever passed by a pit which is giving out the worst smell you have ever experienced ?

I guess you must have.

That is the same way people would feel if they surpass a negative person. A negative person who always criticizes about his company, always disrespects his bosses, treats his subordinates like servants is considered as a negative person. We really can't define who is negative or not by making a list because it would be difficult to make an exhaustive list of it.

But let me share with you a simple idea how to know that if a person is negative or not. Just answer these questions to find out :-

1) Do you feel safe with them?

2) Do your values, principals, work ethics and aspirations match up with that person ?

3) Whenever that person is around, do you feel yourself happy, safe and enjoying the real meaning of the word liberty?

4) Do you like them ?

If you answered "YES" to anyone of those questions, then yes that person is a negative person.

A negative person spreads out the negativity that is his foul smell. Just like the foul smell given by a pit full of garbage, makes you run away from it, in the same way, our subconscious mind gets away from such "foul thinking" people (aka the negative energies). I don't think that I need to tell you that if you remain in close contact to such a pit for a long time you'll get sick. Same way is our mind, get close to negative energies, slowly and steadily they'll crawl into your mind, destroy all the positive constructions and rebuild their own negative monuments. And believe me, breaking down such negative constructions is so damn hard.

My gentle suggest to you would be :-
Throw away all the negativities you have. 
Why keep the garbage in your own house ?
Just to make your home smell ?

In the end of the day, you'll have to sleep there only. Even one negative thought can tarnish the beautiful walls of your mind. Don't let it happen. You're the guard of your mind. Only let positive thoughts enter your mind. Don't allow the negative people insert their negative energies into your mental framework.

All you have is just this one life, guard it, preserve it and nurture it the same way you want your small kids to eat good and healthy food. This world is full of junk food and junk thoughts. Make sure that you give positive food to your mind. 

I leave the ball in your court, which food do you wanna feed your mind ?

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Choosing your life partner!! (For Men)

This blog post is something you hadn’t expected, I admit! But it’s here now, so please read on and do leave your interesting replies . . .

There are many types of people, scattered all over the world having different personalities, faces and views. And trust me, different types of women and girls. It is generally believed that most every girl is the same. Let’s just break the myth and say, when the fingers of our hand cannot be the same, how can human beings be?

I've heard such confusing views from many boys and men of different ages as to who must be a right life partner for them. I was sitting with my friends a few hours back and this topic came up in my mind. And so I am here to give my views and know yours. Please do share! :)

What kind of a woman should a man choose for himself who would be right for him? Should a woman have all the opposite qualities as compared to him, or similar to him?
For instance, if the boy is of a reserved nature, then should he fall for a girl who is very talkative, funny and jolly? (So that she could make him realize the importance of enjoying the small things and smiling along the way). Or that same boy should find a girl who is just like him, who would help him in his work and add more pinch of ‘reserved’ to his reserved nature?

I have heard a lot that you should find a life partner who is opposite to you. The words of one of my friend were "I don't know why, but I have myself felt being attracted to bubbly and talkative girls, maybe because I’m always serious, I’ve my family responsibilities and tough times have made me so reserved. Though with time I have started taking things lightly and tried opening up myself. But, till date, I do feel that I have always been attracted to talkative, cute girls”. You see guys ... Here is one of my friends who feels attracted to those women who are completely opposite to him as if urging to find his missing self in them.

While on the other hand, I think that you should find someone who is like you; someone who has an interest and priority towards career like you, who can understand your dreams, aspirations, goals and your mood, the one who is ambitious like you; most importantly someone who can understand—You. The reason behind why I say this is simple. The one similar to us can ‘understand’ us, get in ‘sync’ with our hunger for aspirations similar to ours and most importantly, knows the importance of space to be given.
Let’s play on with this idea taking two scenarios, which might help one get a clear picture of my words!

SCENARIO 1: - Opposites attract each other! Do they really?
Supposedly, there is a girl, ambitious and very talkative, always jolly and has frequent moods swings, habitual of being cared and pampered a lot. She is someone who doesn't care where life will take her and believes in going with the flow. Then, there is a guy who is of calm and cool nature, prefers to keep quiet but when he laughs, his charm makes other people laugh with him. He knows his responsibilities well, follows a timetable, is highly ambitious and has a goal as to where he wants to reach in his life. His personality exudes confidence and humility. Kindness and care are his family traits. They both get attracted towards each other. My question to you is, is this really possible? This myth of opposites attract, is it really possible?
As far as I know, no! We are humans, after all, and it’s true that we want what we lack. I think this is the reason why a person looks for totally opposite qualities in his/her life partner.

SCENARIO 2: - Opposites repel while likes attract and go a long way! Do they really?
If both, man and woman are of reserved nature and fall for each other, would the relationship or the bond between them be monotonous? Wouldn't the relationship be boring? Let’s think again. In this case, if the guy is busy with his work and the girl, similar to his nature, supports the inclinations to work, then I guess the problem is solved. She will support him endlessly and willingly. The boring part would’ve been the opposite attitude towards work and life which I guess here the partners have similar to each other. The like nature of both helps them to understand each other as well as their set of priorities.
The woman of Scenario 1 is happy-go-lucky ones, never-to-care about anything and free of all responsibilities while the one in Scenario 2 is quite a mature and reserved one. These may be just two Scenarios I am able to explain, but there can be many women out there, each with her unique plus and minus points, just like a man has. In the end, when we all are so imperfect, why not fall for someone who is similar to us, yet unique in her own way, and try to hang on to that special one. This imperfection of two people is what we call a Perfect Relationship, I guess!
What are your views, guys?


Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.