Sunday, July 09, 2017


Hey Guys!  What’s up?

I hope that all of you are reaching your highest best.

Give me a few minutes of your day and let me remind you that YOU are invincible!! No matter how hard your circumstances are or how hard your situations get, you always have that legendary trait to nail down each and every single one of your troubles and triumph over them!

So here are Today’s 5 best motivational quotes to rekindle that fire in your belly!

Sunday, July 02, 2017

How To Build Strong Relationships

Each and everything that exists in this material world, be it a living thing or a non- living one, they’re all connected to each other. There is an existence of a very beautiful bond between all the things. Among humans, we call that ‘bond’ or that sort of connection as “relationships”.

Feeling connected and loved by those whom we’re connected to, is a very fundamental need that almost all of us crave for in our lives, from the beginning to the end.  Despite of this, we sometimes feel that there is some sort of disconnection, or we tend to experience that some sort of aura gets missing and we feel gloomy. 

So today with this article, I would like to present to you some very beautiful tips on How To Build Strong Relationships.
Let’s get started …

1)    Schedule It! 

Every successful company schedules its meetings. We all schedule our days around our work but often we forget to schedule the time we want to spend with our loved ones. Don’t spend so much time in work that you’re left wondering how your kids became adults so soon. Watch them grow. Be part of their growing up. Not just in parenting, we desperately need scheduling in all of our “relationships”.

Plan out all those days in which you want to spend time with your loved ones. Sit with them, ask them that you genuinely are interested in doing so and watch how they assist you. If your excuse all these years has been that they don’t have time for you, then try this idea! They’ll appreciate you took this step and they WILL give you time ad love, for sure. ;)

 Scheduling is always done and recommended for achieving a specific or a defined goal/objective. Isn’t spending time and creating moments of happiness in your relationships one of your life’s meaningful purposes?

2)    Say “I Love You” More Often

This one’s surely a no brainer.

You love your loved ones. Well, everyone loves their respective loved ones. You love them. They love you. Still, why do you feel that emotional hole?

Lack of expression – that’s the simplest answer to that.

Loving is merely like a car without wheels if you don’t make the time and effort to say “I Love You” to your loved ones like you mean it. Would that simple thing, ever cost you anything? Not at all. Still, do we do it? Guess not. So, please do that A LOT!

And don’t just go straightaway and say “Hey! I want to tell you that I love You”, well that could be done, but it lacks the ‘surprise’ element. 

Plan something exciting and surprise your loved ones regularly.  Don’t leave those three letters to be used only when it’s your loved one’s anniversary or birthday, use them more often!

Love More To Get Loved More!

3)     Engage in deep meaningful conversations

Those distress times when we don’t feel that some “spark” is missing in our lives, then is the moment you should realize that you have something troubling you or your loved one. Sit with them. Make time for them! (I just have to repeat this one again!) Go to a place where none of your sexy social notifications could poke you for your valuable attention. Turn off all distractions and make the other person talking. Cheer them up. Make them feel like “Oh! That has happened to me as well…” and then go on with your story. Sometimes when we feel that our close ones have been through the same things, same battles, same struggles, we feel that we are not alone. Or if there’s no connection between the thing troubling your loved one and you; just lend a helping hand and an empathetic ear to them. It will mean a new world to them. We all worry a lot; sometimes all it takes is just that one person to whoosh it all away!

4)    Encourage Healthy Criticism

All of us want to know our weaknesses to improve ourselves so that we could improve the quality of the fine thread of our relationships. Engage in healthy criticism with your loved ones. Be patient, listen to all those bad things about you and say “Shut Up!” to your mind when the other person is talking. After he/she has finished, don’t just blurt out all those reasons you were withholding earlier, instead talk it through with them. Your relationship is a journey, go with the other person hand in hand, together getting through all obstacles; and this can be only done if you encourage each other to be the best you see in your better half.
5)    What If Fights Occur…?

If fights occur, then remember you both are in this relationship; make sure one person remains silent if the other is unintentionally loud. And the last thing I want to suggest you, which I apply in my life is – never go to sleep after a fight. You just never know when the other person won’t be there to continue that fight. So instead of dozing off with hatred in heart, get up and resolve, then sleep peacefully.

Hope my ideas will serve you to the fullest of their potential.
Dwell on them for some time. Think deeply through each one of these points and try to use them as often as you could.
Relationships are the only jewels you have in life. Don’t lose them. . . or else, you’ll lose life!

Till next time!
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Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.