Sunday, April 17, 2016

Build Focus Around What Matters

Your mind right now is having millions of thoughts. This very second, there are millions of thoughts, feelings and emotions going on in your mind. Most of those thoughts are subconscious.

This is the era of distraction. Constantly our mind is exposed to a new distraction every five seconds. Sadly most of these thoughts are negative. One moment you are thinking about a friend who ill-treated you. The other moment we are remembering our childhood and school friends. The very next moment, we are happy thinking about the gift given to us by our spouse. These millions of thoughts generate millions of emotions, and these millions of emotions many times result in an emotional imbalance.

And you know very well that imbalance is bad ; bad for your health ; bad for your well being and bad for your mental health.

How to counter it ?

Here are some fresh tips from my side :-

1) Stop Worrying

How much does a candy cost in your locality? A rupee here in India. 
Will you buy it if you need it ? 
No, right ? 
Then please tell me that why do you buy the "Worry candy" from "the shop of the society" ? 

This society sells worry for free and we all are so much accustomed to buying it, that we buy it very often. We buy it. We taste it.we regret it. And we again buy it. Why?

2) Will worrying do you anything?

 Will your worry candy, do you any good? Or, has it done any good to you till now? NO. Then why buy into the opinions of others, take their worries on your own heads and load yourself up with this burden? Worrying is the cost the budding genius pays to resign himself to mediocrity.

3) Negativity will always be there.

Good has to be there to win over evil. What I believe in is that, we need and we should have some negativity in our lives. Only then can we make a note of the positives in our lives. It's good to be uncomfortable because only the person who's uncomfortable will struggle and fight for comfort.

There will always be negativity in your lives. Something or the other will always bang your head and fight for your attention. But you shouldn't get distracted by it. Focus on positives. Focus on the happy things in your life.

A few points to explain to you how to defeat this mental pressure :-

1) Write it down.

I feel a lot elated when I write down my problems. It brings clarity. It makes me focus on my most important priorities. It makes me realise that how small are my problems and it's just me who's magnifying them. 

Writing helps you connect to yourself. It's like you're facing a person blunt like you and a person sweet like you. The person on the other side is you. It is very difficult to tell yourself the bad things about you. But believe me, when you'll do it. You'll love it !

2) Meditation

Yeah, I do mean that boring stuff of sitting for so long without any chatting. 
Well, it does have many benefits. 
Meditation gives you a firm control over your senses and your thoughts. It provides a unique power to you. The presence of the Infinite Intelligence (God) can only be felt with it. 
Yes, it will be difficult for you to do it for the first few days but then after some days, you'll get in the mode of automaticity. It will get automatic for you. There will be many thoughts fighting for your attention, but it will be your responsibility to focus up only one thing. ( Search out various meditation techniques on the net, whichever suits you, do it.)

3) Go with the flow

It's okay to have some problems in your life. 
It's okay to have some questions unanswered. That might be because God doesn't want you to have the answer. Be patient, answers will come. 

Time has always been careful about what should be given, to whom and when. When the student is ready, the teacher just appears. When the time is right, you'll get your answers.

 Let your mind serve you. You don't serve. Because if you serve it, (am sorry to say this) you don't deserve it.

Make it a practice to control your mental muscle. A man/ woman who can control their mental muscle has always been one of the most influential people of their era.

Don't you wanna be among them?

So stop worrying and let's kill it to the core. Am there by your side. Let's give it a head shot !

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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