Friday, April 08, 2016

What have you learned from life?

What have you really learned from life? It's not possible that till date you haven't faced any difficult situations in life. I know you have. So first of all, my heart goes to all of you who have fought so bravely till now in your life. Am always a fan of people who have fought hard, very hard in life.  And secondly, now I would like you to please visit those memories again. What did you learn from them?

Might be a loved one left you because they cheated on you or you cheated them. Might be you went through some terrible things at school that still haunts you. Might be you faced a big challenge in life that you never thought you would be able to face. It could be anything. Different individuals, different problems, different experiences  therefore different learning.

What all you have learned in life after facing all of your problems can be put in the following points, if you may, allow me to do the honor :-

1) Existence of the Infinite Intelligence

During your that difficult situation didn't you feel the existence of someone up there who's looking at you, he knows you're struggling and still throwing more challenges to you. Did you ever feel that?
If yes, then let me congratulate you because my dear, you are one of his bravest soldiers sent on this planet. Why does a teacher give the toughest question to only selective students in the class? Because the teacher knows that "that" particular student can handle this question, and if he/she can't, at least, their mental muscle will be exercised. That's the same way with God. He knows you can handle it. He throws tough situations because he wants to bring out the bravest version of you. So next time you see another big challenge, don't say " C'mon man! How the hell can I handle this situation? Are you serious? " Instead of this say "You testing me God, Alright man! Bring it on! "

2) The Bravest version of you

This is obviously connected to point 1. Yes, when you put in your level best and achieve a point when you can't give in even 1% more, and still after this you push yourself, that is the point when you start unleashing the real tiger, the real brave version of you. Because anyone can work to the point of exhaustion, but those rare people who still push themselves harder and reach "the arena of the genius" are called as legends in their fields. Don't you wanna be among them? I know you do. Well, that's why am here, to help you, to guide you, to motivate you in every way I can.

3) Something for Nothing rule

You always have to give something in the universe to get something from it. The universe works in perfect balance. The earth revolves around 365/366 days. The food that you eat always has the same taste and same color. The clock always had 24 hours and it will. Everything in life works in a balance. 

Now if we talk about imbalance. What happens when people try to do damage to the mother earth? Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, droughts, earthquakes etc take place.

The nature loves balance. So if you want something from the higher power, you have to give something to it. Sometimes you will have to pay larger amount as compared to what you're getting. Let me warn you about that. But that's just him taking a test of you. Chill about that. You want your favorite car ? Name it, tell it to the Universe and then put your heart and soul to get it. See, if you're not ready to put in the required amount of hard work how will you prove to the God that you're even worth for what you're wishing for. 

Even if you want a kiss from your girlfriend you need to give her time. No offense to all the ladies out there, but yes you know what am talking about, right? To get something you have to give something. You want your girlfriend's love, give her time. You want to get good grades, give time. You want to build a great business, give time. The only thing you can get without giving something in return is- failure, and that is in itself the worst liability to be acquired.

4) The biggest tornados in our lives are the biggest teachers.

I have faced many tornados in life. And I know you have as well. I've learned a lot from them. They just don't discover the true potential in you but they also make you feel proud of what you can do. All these tornados must have caused a lot of destructions in your, either personal or professional lives, but don't you think that old constructions need to be destroyed to build some new constructions? Old habits need to be destroyed to replace them with new habits. Old beliefs need to be shattered to accept the new ones. Old traditions and patterns need to be destroyed to get to some rare air success. 

In the same way, we need these torments in our lives as well. I am still thankful to God for giving me theses torments in life. Many times these torments will define you. Let them do it. My torments have defined Me. Let your torments define you. Go with the flow.

5) My problems are always bigger than others'.

Everyone has problems, right? But how can you get success? By focusing on your problems or your opportunities? Opportunities, right? So why to think about your problems. The grass is always greener on the other side. Praise what you have. Not everyone has that privilege to it. Take, for example, not all have the two eyes with which you are reading this blog right now. Praise even the smallest thing that you have. Be grateful for what you have and never stop aiming for something higher. You're an eagle. Born to rule the sky.

These were the things I've learned from life. Would be glad to know your own views. Please do comment below.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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