Tuesday, January 24, 2017

7 Influential Magic Wands to Transform Your Life !

You are not the only one who wishes that if we humans had a magic wand to just whoosh away all our worries and tensions. I used to think this way as well. Every time I met any tough times, my mind used to get down and my heart used to so deeply wish if I had a magic wand to turn breakdowns into breakthroughs. All of the wishes were in vain when I found no such magic wand to eliminate stressful times and challenging life experiences from my life.

When I was about to give up completely and accept my fate as being a loser all my life, something shook from the inside of me that changed me and my thinking pattern for life.

A fascinating fact here is that we do have a magic wand to change our circumstances and the reactions. Dr. Joseph Murphy has put it so well that “there are basically two elements on which nature works, which are action and reaction. The action is mostly objective i.e. it comes from outside the human body whereas the reaction is what comes from within us i.e. it is objective."

And the magic wand that I want to offer you here is your ability to react. We all are offered in life some gorgeous challenges day in and day out, but all really boils down to the fact that if we are able to maintain the poise and calmness of our mind or not. This can only be done when we have full control over our ability to react to the outer circumstances.

We need to be like a blooming lotus amidst the dirt of negativity in the world. Every second a new negativity is thrown towards us. The choice really depends on us that if we want to own these negativities or not.
This reminds me of a story of Buddha. I would like to share that with you :-

Once there was a man whose wife was inspired by the greatness and humbleness of Buddha. Earlier he didn't have a problem with that, but later that turned out in the form of jealousy. So one day he decided to go to meet Buddha and abuse him for hypnotizing his wife's mind. The man abused Buddha and spit out all his anger on him. When he stopped, Buddha smiled and said to that man “If some guests cone to your house, you offer them food and they leave without even touching a grain of it. To whom does that food belong?”  The man said, “To me obviously”. Buddha smiled and said, “In the same way, I don't take any of your abusive words, they all still belong to you only.” The man left, impressed with the true bigness of Buddha's wisdom.

I believe that is the bigness we all must possess to let all the negativity sail by us without getting wet from it. I understand it is very difficult to possess such a power. But let me astonish you with a fact that this power resides within you. You don't need to possess it, you already have it. The only thing required is to identify and then harness it to such an extent that it dominates your well being. Am not going to inspire you to shed all your worldly possessions and lifestyle and go and live in the nirvana, but am sharing with you some tactics to balance your outer and inner life. A few points on how you can harness this power are as follows:-

1)   Whenever you feel like spitting your anger out on someone just remember that how would you feel if you were on the other side ?

2)    The work you are doing, is it in accordance with your values and ethics ? If not then such a work will be your biggest weakness, remove it as early as you can.

3)    Do you feel as a contributing member in the service of humanity?

The service of humanity gives the indefinite power which makes one realize that life is meant to serve others as well. And believe me, nothing gives you much power than this.

4)   Do you greet people with your most genuine smile ?

5)   All of us are not here that long and we don't want to hurt anyone on the path of life. Do we ?

6)    Forgive others sooner than they forgive you.
This habit of forgiving someone sooner than they forgive you is a very powerful tool. It has helped me a lot. If someone ever hurts you, remind yourself that from within, we all are same. Might be the other person has had a bad day. Might be he had a fight with his wife this morning. Might be his loan payment is due.

When you apply this principle to practical life, you'll see that people will get inspired by your greatness and they will always flock to you with boundless care and love.

7)    Now last but by no means the least, give yourself positive affirmations every day, each moment. Such affirmations need to be felt while speaking and you have to believe that you are going to achieve that level of calmness. Some affirmations I suggest are :-

i)       I am great! 
ii)    I represent calmness and tranquility.
iii)  I will achieve all my dreams and I have full faith in my abilities.
iv)  I have God on my side.
v)     I am humble and kind.

So you see, we all have these 6 magic wands to revolutionize our lives. Apply them to your current problem(s) and see this magical power work for you. It is and was always, ready to serve you. Now as you have identified it, uncover it ASAP.

Till next time.  

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

When Inequality Hurts

We all are humans. And with being humans, comes the need to be heard, to be respected and to be treated equally. Still, this world will not stop from forcing us into its abyss where inequality resides. Today we're going to talk about inequality.

Inequality is a situation where we feel that we're being undervalued as compared to our peers. Of course, it'll hurt you when the guy sitting next to you works less than you and still takes the same number of dollars to home as you. Of course, it'll hurt you if the guy who never studied properly, got his marks in the 90s in finals whereas you got what you couldn't even imagine! Of course, it will hurt you if your boss prefers another intern because she is sexier than you whereas you have much better qualifications and the set of skills. Different people residing in different countries, having different mindsets and going through different circumstances, but the same issue: Inequality.

Inequality isn't that much popular in these times as it used to be during the times of Nelson Mandela. But yes, it is there in the society. So, how to look at it?

We all feel uncared, insecure and doubtful of our own capabilities when such incidents happen with us. What I suggest you to do in such situations is; focus on what can be done. Not on what can't be done. If you can't change anything why worry? If you can change it, then also why worry? 

When you focus on the ill-treatment given to you by your boss or when you focus on the guy who got more marks than you, at that time, you're just giving yourself the signals that you're not worth the prize. At that time, you, yourself are giving away your willpower to be dominated subconsciously by the other person. And that does make you weak! At that time you are just stuck in the scarcity mindset.

The world isn't over here. The world for you begins then, the very moment you experience inequality in some way or the other, because every problem is an opportunity in disguise. When you focus on seeing the inequality as the best time to move on from your current job, you turn the coin and see another side.... Guess what it's called... It's called as abundance mindset.

. I think the solution settles down to the fact that, if you want to see the glass as half empty or half full, it’s completely your choice.

Be on the lookout for another blog post that will be here soon, giving you simple tactics and ways to shift from scarcity to abundance mindset.

Hope I’ve been of service to you :)

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

50 Traits of a Confident Person

There have been many assumptions that what does a confident person look like ? Some say it is the money they make, some say it is the knowledge they hold in their heads and others say it is the attitude of never giving up that defines them as “confident”. The answer to all of such guesses lies in the fact that none of them fit the bill by themselves alone. Today we can hardly notice a true human being who has ever loved others deeply or cared for the needy.

So, here is a list about 50 traits that every good human being must possess to be a contributing and a confident person living in this era. This list is originally prepared by Nick Notas. (Link given at the end of this article)

 I know we all lack in some areas, but
progress first starts within than without. So please look into them as both, a testing material and a learning material, so that you could make your internal constructions rock solid, that no outer force could break you. So, let’s get right into it.

A Confident person. . .

Knows to apologize when he’s wrong
Speaks the truth and doesn’t go back on his word
Isn’t worried about his  past history,  has clear razor sharp focus on the future
Doesn’t need to put people down to make himself feel better
Gives back to others because he genuinely wants to
Is assertive and actively goes after what he wants in life
Knows how to be kind and treat everyone equally
Takes responsibility for his actions and doesn’t blame others
Approaches a challenge with positive mindset even when he’s nervous
Has many interests and is passionate about them
Makes the team he works in feel worthy
Takes the initiative whenever sees an opportunity
Leads with charisma and self-assurance
Doesn’t take advantage or prey on those weaker than him
Stands up for his values and what he believes in
Has his emotions under control and keeps his cool even in the most tensed situations
Embraces his negative points and works hard to improvise on them
Smiles often and brightens other people’s day
Speaks slowly, clearly, and with purpose
Gets excited to meet new people and personalities
Communicates with passion in voice and doesn’t shut down
Expresses his feelings openly instead of making passive-aggressive comments
Isn’t afraid to disagree but doesn’t have to start an argument
Has a proactive outlook on life and radiates positive energy
Enjoys going on adventures and trying new things
Doesn’t have to brag or boast to feel important
Gives strong eye contact when talking
Avoids negative self-talk and doesn’t tear himself down
Makes the tough decisions when he has to
Is comfortable and non-judgemental in times when people oppose him
Sees failure as an opportunity to learn and grow from
Allows others to save face when they slip up
He respects and considers the opinions of others but doesn’t seek their approval
Tries to prevent unnecessary drama and fights in his relationships
Isn’t selfish and shares what he has with others
Creates charisma and positive aura wherever he goes
Avoids jumping to conclusions and making unwarranted assumptions
Is open-minded about new ideas and gives them a fair chance
Stands tall, with his shoulders relaxed, and head held high
Enjoys a good challenge and the process to overcome it
Has a great sense of humor and knows how to make people laugh
Always protects those closest to him
Expands his comfort zone on a regular basis  
Is a skilled conversationalist, knows how to communicate keeping the ends in mind.
Encourages others to succeed and is excited for their accomplishments
Doesn’t guilt trip or manipulate others to get what he wants
Is polite, has manners, and understands social etiquette
Tries to look his best because he values himself
Accepts criticism and doesn’t take things personally
Is happy with himself and doesn’t hide who he really is

I just sincerely hope that these ideas would serve you in the best possible ways.

And, the main point to be noted here is that these are not my points. I haven’t made them up. My friend Nick Notas ( a well known dating expert and coach) has made them up. I couldn’t change the magic and simplicity his words are reflecting. That’s why posted them as it is for all of you. The link to his original piece is http://www.nicknotas.com/blog/50-traits-of-a-confident-man/

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.