Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Construction of a New You

All great constructions take time. It took years to build the Taj Mahal.  Everything that is considered epic in today's world, took years of hard work and consistency to get ready. I believe the same way is the development of us, humans.

We should constantly strive for being the best in what we do. Each and every day ,day in and day out, we should try to be more productive in whatever field we are.

Just like the way it takes years to build a beautiful building, our human body, mind and spirit are our priceless assets. We should build these assets to such a great level that they get appreciated, not depreciated day by day.

The base of a beautiful building is always built on a few things given as follows :-
1) Blue Print Plan
2) An engineer
3) A supportive Team
4) Hard working labour
5) Building Material
6) Strong foundation

In the same way, we need the following people by our side to assist us and be a better version of ourselves each and every day. They are as follows :-

1) A Blue Print Plan

Vision with clarity becomes a mission.
If you don't know where you want to go you'll lead anywhere.
So first of all, on a fresh crisp paper write down what all qualities you want to imbibe in yourself and what all negativities you want to give up.

2) An  Engineer

The engineer for building the marvelous building in you is YOU. The way you build yourself defines you. It defines the inner leader in you. It defines your devotion to excellence. It defines the ultimate reservoir of power that resides within you. You just need to tap into it.

3) A Supportive Team

Surround yourself with people you trust. Build you own army of leaders and thinkers who are ready to fight for you. We all need someone to support us during our tough times. So don't you need someone to be there when you're facing those tough turns life throws at you? I know you're brave. And I applaud for that bravery of yours. But I gently suggest you, be in touch with the people who are your idols in some way or the other. Be it your school teacher, or your fellow classmate or your colleague. Anyone can be your teacher. Check my blog post here on The Hidden Mentor that we have in our lives. Only if we are willing to learn something from everyone. Surround yourself with such people. Read their books. Follow their principles. Follow their blogs. 

4) Hardworking Labour

So how do you get a hard working labor for your masterpiece to be build up to the level of perfection you desire? Well, that's simple. You already have a labor with you. A labor ready to put in 24 hrs work, day in and day out to make you reach iconic levels of performance. And that labor, my good friend, is your nerve cells of your mind.

Your nerve cells are ready to back you up in your field of endeavor. Our nerve cells don't know if the way we're directing them is a positive or a negative direction. Our nerve cells don't know the difference between determination and disruption.

Therefore, it is very much important for you to provide your nerve cells with the fuel of positivity and passion that they drive you and your will power so strongly towards your dreams that you're just undefeatable. 

5) Building Material

Thoughts are the fuel that you give to your nerve cells in your mind. They are your true building materials.

Do you know what's the difference between a loser and a winner? 

It settles down to one thing... Thoughts running through their minds.

I know you want to be world class. I know you want to reach a place higher than your colleagues. I know you want to be the most caring and kindest person in the world. I know you want your children to look up to you as their hero. And for achieving all that, you just need to re-wire your mental framework. Change is necessary. You have to change. Start thinking good thoughts. Whenever you're free, instead of switching on your Wi-Fi network or your mobile data, be silent and think about the way you're leading your life. All great men and women, the history has even seen, had this thing in common. They always used to guide their thoughts. They never allowed their thoughts to guide them. They always used to think constantly about their work. Because for you, your work might be just work, but for them, for the A players of today, for them their work is their passion. Their work is a way for them to showcase the genius in them to the audience. And if you think you don't have any audience, then you're miserably mistaken. Bring out the genius in you because the world is just waiting to see it. It's more or less like the hall in which the audience is waiting for the curtains to slide away so that they could welcome the star performer of the day.

The chairs are set. The audience is sitting. The audience is waiting. The lights are on. The sound system is working perfectly. The mics are checked. 

Hey ! Wait a minute. Are you, the star performer of the day, ready to rock on stage ?

6) Strong Foundation

Last but by no means the least. Every great building is built on a strong foundation. No matter how beautiful the building is, if the foundation isn't correct it will tilt after some time. A live example of this is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The same way, if a human being is not having the right set of foundation material, he will some way or the other tilt towards the negativities in life like drinking, smoking, drugs and what not. And I know you're not meant for that. You're meant for something higher. Let me not extend this blog post, and sum it up in the best way. 

Three words define the foundation principle am sharing : Values, ethics and principles. A man without strong values, ethics, and principles spends his days and his life just hanging around, thus never contributes towards the upliftment of the society. And I believe if someone cannot provide his resources towards the upliftment of the society than that man is nothing but a burden on the economy.

Build yourself ONCE. STRONG.


Build yourself WEAK.
Rebuild yourself every time an earthquake in your life blows you away.

The former gives better R.O.I. (Return On Investment) than the latter option, don't you think so?

The choice... As always... Is yours.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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