Let me start this conversation of ours with a simple question to you. What does this word "WINNING" bring into your mind?
Success, happiness, freedom, top of the world feeling etc , all of us like winning don't we? We all like being called as winners. It feels good when people make us feel special. It feels great when we are celebrated or when our success is celebrated.
But sometimes we do see that some people like winning by wrong means. These are the people, am sure, you're surrounded with and so am I. These people like winning, it doesn't matter to them if they are putting their foot on other people's heads to go above them, the only thing they want is success and they are going to get it by hook or by crook. These people are very shrewd and very cunning. They know how to manipulate the minds of others and make others work for them. Some of the traits of such people include :-
ü They're best liars
ü They are highly manipulative
ü Success goes to their minds
ü If they win, everyone is a lower class person to them
ü They treat others badly and call them by foul names
ü They are the best description of "attention seeker" word
ü They get joyous at small wins
ü Whenever they see any difficult task they automatically give it the tag of impossible.
ü They talk dirty. They use the language of the victim.
ü They are the negative parasites roaming around in the world.
ü They pull down others who are going up in life, they make a rope from such people and use this rope to get themselves up to the success while on their way they keep on pinching others.
ü For such people, success means everything. Human values are an alien topic to them.
ü They make others happy by having fun with them and on their backs, they criticize them.
ü They are the hidden sweetest haters. They hate you and still be sweet and try to pull you down. (Let me tell you, they are very sweet, you won't know when it's poison they're giving you instead of honey. Please be aware of them. If you want I'll give you a blog post on how to identify such people)
ü They love this formula Other's hard workàcheatingàmy incomeàmy profit
ü They spread out negativity specifically because they can't see competitors among their colleagues.
ü From the above point only you can guess T\that yes, they are insecure from inside.
ü There is a large black hole of emptiness inside them.
ü They talk more, do less.
ü They spend time on useless activities.
ü Do you want to know what's going around ? Spend 5 minutes with them and you'll get what you want. They're the biggest gossipers.
ü And the main point, they have two best friends named excuses and procrastination.
ü They know how to spend their most productive days in the most unproductive manner. They're masters at it.
ü They love entertainment.
ü They show respect.
ü They have big TVs.
ü They waste their days. So their lives!
And, these people are not real leaders they are pseudo leaders. They are the best examples of window dressing. They show themselves as some superior beings but when you look inside of them, they're empty.
Now let me introduce you to another breed of human beings. Noticing such people is very difficult. You can't find them very easily. They are the rare species who are not blessed with anything special, they look like us, they eat the same food like us, they just breath something with oxygen, and that thing is Passion. The passion for winning the world. The passion to prove their mettle. The passion for showing the world what actually they're made of. I refer to them as the Victors!
The men who have always chased victory. I know this sounds very exciting. Do You want to know what are the qualities of such people? Welcome aboard! Here starts the list :-
The men who have always chased victory. I know this sounds very exciting. Do You want to know what are the qualities of such people? Welcome aboard! Here starts the list :-
ü They're honest.
ü They believe in being transparent.
ü Success goes to their hearts because they already know that it is just the beginning.
ü If they win, they try to make others win as well.
ü They give respect to all. Be it the CEO or the gatekeeper. after all, we all end up being dust.
ü They are the best examples of “practice makes a man perfect”.
ü They do get joyous at small wins but do keep in mind their final goals.
ü The impossible tag doesn't work on them. They have some strange goggles to see the possible behind what's impossible.
ü They talk the language of the genius. They talk the language of the elite.
ü They are the guys who spread smiles wherever they go.
ü They do face criticism but they never pull people down. Because they know that all great people in the history have had good relationships. They know that network is more important than net worth.
ü Their very definition of success starts from human values.
ü They are worst back biters. All they believe in is to praise someone on the face or if it's about making the other person realize his mistake, they do this on the face only.
ü They are the best life lovers! They love everyone around them. No matter who it is. If it's a living being, they love it. That's their simple formula
ü Their formula is :- My hard workàMy profitàMy success.
ü They radiate positivity. Positivity just flows out of them wherever they go.
ü They are in control. Neither introvert nor extrovert.
ü There is a deep ocean of courage inside them.
ü They do more, talk less.
ü They only spend their time on useful activities.
ü They hate gossips. There is a huge difference between gossiping and talking. They talk. They don't gossip. They talk clean. They don't talk dirty.
ü They have a lot of best friends, among them a few are patience, passion, courage, conviction etc
ü They call it a day only if it has been productive.
ü They love education.
ü They give respect. Giving is by heart. Showing is just fake.
ü They have BIG libraries without which they cannot survive.
So there you see, there are two different breeds in the society. Now it depends upon you. Which side do you reside?
Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.
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