Saturday, April 23, 2016

How To Be Realistic ?

What does “being real” mean?

Being real means being WHAT YOU REALLY ARE.

Okay, that was tricky. Let me rephrase that. 

Can you identify anyone who tries to be sweet around you and you know very well that he/she is someone else behind you? I know you can identify such people. This species is present everywhere.

Now if your intuition can sense this person, can't your fakeness be decoded by someone else?

I know you would feel good if someone who is bad, accepts that and admits it in front of you. Now, what would you feel if you accept your mistakes and flaws in front of someone else and promise them to amend yourself? A sense of joy, happiness and confidence will flow into you.

When you are hiding your true self from someone, the bond of you both will get weak. Negativity is like a disease. Once a germ gets into your mindset, it will spread the disease of negativity in you and then this disease is hard to be cured.
I urge you to be what you are. Step out into the world by being the most authentic version of you. You'll be someone who can change the world. Because what I believe is, that if someone can change himself (accepting his flaws) then changing the world is just a cake walk for him. This is because the real enemy of us is "we" ourselves. Let me serve you with the best part, you know your weaknesses. So why not attack them and be victorious?

The government has successfully put up fines on everything that is fake, be it fake product selling, fake advertisements, fake marketing, fake prospectus of a company etc. Sadly the government couldn't put up fine on the one thing that is diminishing the value of our society, and that is Fake Humans

So does that give you and me a license to be fake?

No, it doesn't. 

It's the biggest liability on the whole community, if you're being fake. You know inside what lies you've told. You know inside what negativity you're spreading. Will you be happy from inside while doing so? I know you couldn't. Your inner self is someone you're afraid of. Our inner selves are the true souls connected to the God, and God never supports the fake. So why will your inner self-support you? Please give this a few seconds to think.

So, now ending our this conversation on a beautiful note :-

Love openly. Live fully. Kiss your loved ones passionately like there's no tomorrow. Be truthful. Be honest. Be funny. Be serious. Be happy. Be motivated. You have just one life. Why don't shower love and care wherever you go? You'll just get it back manifold. 

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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