Saturday, April 16, 2016

Who is Stopping You From Achieving Great Things In Life

Who are you?

Define yourself in one paragraph. I know that would be difficult for many and only a few will be able to define themselves clearly.

Write down the way you describe yourself.

Now read it aloud.


Okay, now let me drive the car and you sit on the passenger seat.

Please answer my these questions:-

1) what qualities according to you does an epic man have?

2) how does a man who has a high self-worth behave?

3) what are the habits of the millionaires and billionaires?

Written the answers?

Now read these aloud.

My main question here is :-

When did you feel a blow of confidence in your voice?

Wasn't it the second time you read the qualities of billionaires that made you feel boosted up?

That's the very reason behind this blog post.

Name the person who's stopping you to achieve your dreams.  Name the person who is not letting you discharge your most authentic form of genius. You know what the answers will be, it's YOU yourself.

We are so much habitual of putting our faults on other's heads that we forget that what goes around come around. This life is a boomerang. Throw what you wish for. When we are not putting in our level best efforts in whatever way we want, we tend to make this mistake.

Blaming other's is easy and blaming yourself is in itself a big obstacle. Our egos come in the way. But when we admit our mistakes and accept the responsibility, we become something else. Our self-worth increases and self confidence makes us boom into the sky even higher. 

 In the first instance, when you described yourself, it's actually not you defining yourself. It's the society who is defining you. We hear a lot of noise from this society and sadly, this noise happens to be their own negative self-talk. When we hear that, our minds get used to them, and when it gets used to them, our mind starts believing that it's true. 

Society says"you can't do it. You're not made for it. You think too high. Your dreams are impossible. You don't have that thing in you." So we listen to them, shut up our inner self and resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Don't let the society define you. You're better than them. 
You're a genius living among them waiting to be tapped in. 
You're a source of positivity in this negativity epidemic filled the world. 
This epidemic of negativity kills the potential of millions each and every moment. I don't think there can anything deadlier than that. When a human soul is infected, it's very hard to cure it.  Your positivity is going to be the antidote. Spread happiness. Spread love. Spread care. And yes, most importantly, spread SMILES.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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