Thursday, April 20, 2017

How To STOP Stopping And Just DO IT!

Has this ever happened to you that you missed out an opportunity when it came in front of you and you are struck with procrastination or fear at that moment, but later on utterly regret not making the move then and there?

I am sure such a moment must have come in your life till date. Even I have faced many of such circumstances when fear took the best part of me, restraining me with its chains and not letting me seize the opportunity.

This might have happened with you too. Like you wanted to propose a girl but didn't do it because of fear. Or, you wanted to reply back sharply to your colleague who shouted at you with no reason. Or, you wanted to tell the truth to your family or a close one but you didn't, because you didn't want your relationship to get weak after telling the truth.

We all have encountered this "mental fight" more than once in our lives, but still, so many of us don't learn from it and make a resolution to change for the good.

So today, please do yourself a favor and go through the following questions I have crafted for you with so much love, to deploy them as and when such a situation arises.

1) Why should I be seizing this opportunity?

2) Whatever will eventually happen, can it take someone's or my own life?

3) Why am I getting so scared of?
4) Is that person a monster who could eat me if I confront them with the truth?

5) By not disclosing the fact, will I be able to sleep peacefully at night?

6) If I don't tell them the truth, can I tell about it, proudly, to my family?

I am sure you'll get your answers if you should be taking that "jump" from the region of fear into the land of faith.

But please REMEMBER that there is only a 10-second window you have, to either "do it" or not.

Now let me give you some quick reasons that why you should be taking that "leap of faith".

1)    Because you don't want to regret it later.
2)    Because you know that there will be no better time to do it than this very moment.
3)    Because all you have got is just a 10-second window.
4)    Because you deserve to rise above your fears; your fears are nothing but your "self-created" hallucinations.
5)    Because you are stronger and better than you think you are.
6)    Because by taking that leap of faith, your confidence will boost and self-worth will soar to a whole new level.
7)    Because even if the outcome turns out to be not in your favor, you still are a hero.
8)    Because now, the act of taking the leap becomes easier for you.
9)    Because even if you've lost, you have gained a bounty full of wisdom and knowledge from it.

Zero doubts about the fact that if we face the situation or we speak out what we have bottled up inside, we surely will feel relieved. I have now made it a resolution to do it, then and there, because all we have is just this ONE LIFE.

This life is so small for hiding behind those bushes of insecurity; instead, this life is all about walking down the goal fearlessly like a lion, vulnerable and bold.

I urge you today, take that leap of faith!!!

 Lifetime regret is much costlier than momentary knots in your stomach. Don't you feel the same way?

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.