Thursday, April 14, 2016

What do winners focus on that losers don't?

I guess the reason you've clicked this topic is because you are really eager to know what the winners focus on to be winners and this act of yours defines the courage and strength in you, and I salute it. I salute the powerful soul in you that is so very much ready to learn what the winners focus on. I salute the person in you who is ready to enlighten the world with his genius.

So now I don't have any right to stop you from knowing the secret behind the successful men of this world. So here I go :-

The successful men and women of all ages have had a very tough competition. They had a very tough competition against their mightiest critic who happened to be their best teacher. All the great athletes, all great business tycoons, all great artists the history has ever known, they all had their competition with themselves. They never focused on what their competitors did. This is the main point which differentiated them from the losers. The losers always focus on the winners.

If a winner will be focusing on the loser won't he come to that level?

If a loser will focus on a winner, will he be ever able to focus on winning? Because most of the time he will be focusing on how to defeat his competitor(i.e. winner) and in doing so he wastes some part of his energy. This part of the energy which was not wasted by the winner will be utilised by him in focusing on "winning" rather than on loser. So, you see, that little amount of energy wasted by the loser to focus on the winner instead of focusing on the winning defines the gap between a genius and a mediocre guy.

Success is always defined by the winners. They are the authors of the history. Winners know how to write the history well. They are aware that they have to leave behind themselves a legacy. A legacy that will be continued. A legacy that will be modelled by the future generations. Whereas the losers just leave behind themselves the graves.

Don't you remember the names of the famous Kings like Napoleon? Do you remember the name of even one of his army men? I guess you won't, unless you're a history lecturer.

The world has always been respectful to the top rung people. And I think that is the place that you deserve. You have the right to be at the top. Why settle for second best when you know you're first class? And am here to throw you into the ocean of self-mastery. You have an oxygen tank named Motivational Enlightenment  where I'll be constantly filling in the oxygen. It now depends on you if you want to swim or drown.

 Reach deep within this ocean, it's a whole new world down there. I swear you'll love it. You'll want to live your whole life there. 

There are stones(negative energies) and pearls(positive energies) down there. Let's see who brings what to the surface. 

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.  

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