Saturday, May 06, 2017

The 10 Brain Tattoos of Legends : Robin Sharma

The following 10 brain tattoos are originally created by Robin Sharma. I have just added below each point that why I loved that particular quote. Hope you like them too. :) 

1.    You can be a victim or a titan. You can’t be both.

We all get to make our own choices every single second of our lives. At this very moment, some of us might be stressed due to an unavoidable circumstance while someone going through the same struggle might be at peace with all the turbulence around her because she knows someday everything will fit in. Titans trust the process while the victim hates it.

2.    Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

By this quote, Robin Sharma perfectly delivers a lot of wisdom in just one simple line. Well, that’s just his awesome way! Many of us give ourselves excuses that our genius self doesn’t deserve. And then we blame someone else for it. It’s just that we know that our fears are the primary sources of the liberation of our bravest selves; still we keep on clinging to them all lifelong. Please shed them up!

3.    An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production.

The moment we shift our focus from learning to laziness, we kill the dream we have. All of us get distracted a lot by the never-ending distractions of the world. Only a few of us, rarely 5-10%, are able to be successful. The quote above by Robin Sharma is the reason why this happens. No magic here. Pure dedication.

4.    A job is only a job if you choose to see it as a job.

More than half of the people we see in our society complain about their work. We blame our work for it being so boring and lack of energy. For one week, look at your work as if it is something that will change the world. Look at your simple “boring” job as something that makes this world happy and makes you feel that you are contributing to something bigger than you think. Robin Sharma puts this so well in his quote above that you should see your job as a craft, a medium through which you could serve the humanity. Look from Robin’s viewpoint. You’ll never shift to old thinking.

5.    Every visionary was first ridiculed before she was revered.

Well, this one’s a no brainer. We all have heard about so many great leaders who walked this planet Earth who were first ridiculed of their idea. They were called crazy. But then they were revered when their legendary selves shone through the dark times. Examples are Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, Picasso etc. If you do feel like people don’t believe in you and still you are continuing to chase your dreams, then my dear friend... You are one of them ;)

6.    Dream BIG. Start small. Begin today.

Many of us procrastinate a lot. We keep on planning and planning, thinking and thinking about the ways to achieve our goals. But in doing so, we don’t realize that planning a lot is taking up too much of our time! Sometimes, you shouldn’t keep on planning, just go for it! Start small. Start now. Begin today.

7.    The job of a leader is to grow more leaders. So leave people behind better than you found them.

We all don’t know for how long we have our stay on this planet. We all are in some way or the other dependent on another person. So while we stay here, why not make this ride a fun ride for others by lifting up the gloomy ones, by respecting the poor ones, by consoling the crying ones and by helping the needy ones? Grow people. Invest your time and energy in them.

8.    Adversity is nothing more than opportunity clothed in disguise.

All adversities bear the fruit of success. Just like a butterfly has to struggle through the shell to fly freely, we all have to fight through our share of struggles to fly in the world with freedom and bravery. No pain no gain.

9.    Life is short. Enjoy the process.

Really we never know when our last moment is. So why not spend each day loving, caring and spreading faith and hope all over? In the end we all have to turn into dust. Don’t we?

10.  Today is an awesome day to reach for your best.

Period. :)

I suggest to definitely watch the video from where I got these points and share it as much as you can. :) Click HERE to watch the video.

Robin Sharma is the author of No. 1 bestselling book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. You should definitely buy the book.  Just click on the image below this article and you could buy the book. He is also an internationally sought after speaker and one of the world’s most trusted leadership advisors. 

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Till next time…

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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