Friday, April 29, 2016

Everyone is beautiful : Breaking myths of beauty

Hello guys! Hope all are doing well.

Today's blog is one of my favorite topics. Please stay with me until the end. You'll love this one! And I can bet on this too! 

We all are different. With different mindsets and different views. We all have our own idea of what's attractive or let's say what's beautiful. We're humans, not pre-programmed machines. Sadly we all do, many times, fall for the outer beauty. We see someone so gorgeous looking that we presume them as the person made for us and we start putting them on a pedestal.

But we forget about one thing. 
Isn't he/she human? 
Won't they have any bad habits? 

You really never know what's going on inside someone's personal life. The girl whom you just saw who looks so beautiful to you, she might not be the one who could understand your dreams. If she's beautiful doesn't mean that she won't be having any faults, issues, and her own set of baggage. Just because someone is pretty doesn't mean they're perfect for you. Beauty is just a small piece of the jigsaw puzzle of your better half. The guy in the office who seems very cute to you might be having some serious anxiety issues that you won't like to handle.

I think we all have taken the meaning of beauty to a whole new road that leads to destruction. We really need to take a new route to enlightenment.  See, I won't lie that physical attraction isn't important for me, but it isn't the be all and end all thing for me. It's not the most important thing for me. Beauty is commonplace. It's present everywhere. Go in a mall, or a grocery store or a movie hall and I can find tons of pretty girls out there but does that mean that I will put them up on a pedestal and be needy and chase them? No, not at all. The internal qualities like kindness, compassion, love for others and respect, these are the qualities which hold true importance for me.

How would you feel living a life with a girl/ boy who looks pretty but is an emotional wreck inside ? Life won't remain sweet after the youth period is over.

You know how I define beauty ?

Beauty is helping a stranger lift a heavy bag.
Beauty is making a sad friend smile. 
Beauty is caring about everyone around you. 
Beauty is being respectful to other's feelings. 
Beauty is standing for what's right versus running away from it. 
Beauty is courage. 
I strongly believe that women are more powerful than men when it comes to being emotionally strong. And that is the most beautiful thing for me. Salute to all the ladies out there ! Hats off !

I believe that everyone is beautiful. Outer beauty is just a myth. A small baby, no matter how ugly he might seem to you, is the most beautiful thing for his/her mother. 
A man standing in the road aged 80+ who is distributing toys to earn a living is beautiful to me because he didn't give up to the circumstances. 
A woman who is fighting a case against a rapist is beautiful because she is fighting for what's right. 
Beauty is a small girl giving a peck on the cheeks of his dad who just came back after 2 years of living abroad. 

I believe beauty is in the way you see the world. Whatever you look for, seems beautiful to you. So I suggest you look within. Look for something that's long lasting. Look for trust, loyalty, kindness, patience. These things last much longer than the face.

What's more important for you, the heart or the face ? The face will fade away with time. But guess what, the heart will get bigger and bigger, wiser and wiser, loving and more loving as the time passes by. I leave the ball in your court now. Choose what suits you best, a beautiful face or a golden heart ? 

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

What is SEXY ?

What is SEXY according to you ? 
Is it the looks of a man or a woman ? 
Is it the physique that they have maintained ?
 Or is it the car they drive or the house they live in?

I think it isn't what's outside that really counts. It's what you're made of from inside that shows who you truly are. In the smooth waters, it's easy to be a leader. But it's only the bravest who comes in front and takes up the lead. That's what leaders do. I believe that it is really sexy.

With that said, I don't say that being fit isn't good, living in a big house isn't great or driving a Ferrari isn't awesome, yes, it is great, but that's not be all and end all. I believe that's a superficial version of being sexy ! Money, house, your toys (cars and bikes) they're temporary therefore superficially sexy. It's what inside you that is counted as sexy. 

Passion is sexy. 
Courage is sexy. 
Determination is sexy. 
Counting your setbacks as your stepping stones to success is sexy. 
The quest inside you to unleash the greatest potential in you is sexy. 
The positive aura that you create is sexy. 
The spirit of never giving up is sexy. 
The will to go against the society and chase your dreams is sexy. 

And if you have all of it, then my dear friend, you're damn sexy !

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Why Do We Get Hurt ?

"Why do we expect something from someone?" Isn't this the question you have had in your mind at least once till this day?

It's okay to have this question in our minds. We're humans, we are bound to expect. 

When a small baby cries, he is expecting his mother to come running to him and give him his bottle of milk. The act of expectations is in our traits. We can't run from it but yes we can be selective in our expectations.

 I have seen many times that when people love someone or show care to someone, they expect the same in return. Yes, I agree that it is natural and you will expect, but many times we don't get it back. And when we don't get it back we start blaming that person and we start to dislike him/her. Doesn't that show that you're being selfish? You loved someone in order to get love back from them. Isn't that being selfish? Yes, it is being selfish.

 I believe love should be void of all these things. If you love someone truly, shower them with your love, kindness and care. And never expect it back. This is what is called true love. And believe me, if you'll do it you'll get it back in multiples.

If you want to expect something from someone then expect a genius from you.
Expect to be the best in whatever endeavor you are in. 
Expect to stand for the highest values you hold true to your heart. 
Expect yourself to give in a little bit extra every time you work hard on your craft.
Expect yourself to love all, without any hatred or negative feelings.

I know it hurts when you're expecting something and you don't get it. But you know what, if you really cared for someone and they didn't reciprocate to you when you needed it, it shows that you're a better human being than them. How's that for a change of thought?

With that said, I would like to suggest you that might be the other person is busy or going through something tough in their personal lives or they’re struggling financially. You never know what problems are going on at the other side. So be understanding as well.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

POWER : How to be More Powerful than you have ever been.!!!

Everyone loves to be in power.

 As far as I can remember it all started when I was in my school in 2nd or 3rd grade and the teacher gave me the title of class captain. The class captain had the duty and the responsibility to make peace in class and never let a fight occur. Well, that was a different thing that I was the naughtiest boy in my class and that's why the teacher used to make me the class captain and when given this responsibility, I felt a power in me. It felt good.

Now coming back to our topic, yes, we all love power. Powerful men in whichever field they are, they get respected. Provided that the power gained by them is lawful and acquired by not doing any bad to any fellow human being. Why is that so? Let's study them.

They have some sort of traits that you can imbibe into your DNA to get to your own unique level of power.

1) They demonstrate magical confidence

All great men and women of this age, they all have some sort of magical confidence in them. That vibe that they exude is just amazing. Whenever a powerful man / woman passes by, don't you get a "feel good factor" around them? That is because they are literally oozing out confidence and power. 

2) They speak less

All great leaders have a simple rule "Speak Less, Do More". It's the useless talks they avoid. They know that such talks will do us no good. All these gossiping and chit chattings are okay for a while, but in the long term, they do us no good. The powerful men and women imply this principle in their daily lives.

3) They are creative

Every business needs innovation. And every great business is governed by the men/women in power. Why does a business need innovation? It's simple, dynamic environment, fast changing government regulations and share markets going up and down etc. All of such circumstances make the survival of a business very difficult, so to sense the future threats and to identify the forthcoming opportunities, the businessmen of this era need to be creative.
 They need to be ready always for the challenge! And this feeling of a challenge gives them an exquisite amount of power! 

Don’t you think we need to do the same as well? Our lives also see different challenges now and then.  

4)They love the concept of hard work but actually they execute smart work.

 Average people do hard work. Smart people do smart work. All great businessmen have huge businesses. And to manage them, they hire people who do hard work. Isn't this called as smart work ? What they can achieve in a year can now be achieved in a day. But in doing so, they never exploit the human values.

5) They exactly know where to go

They're the leaders. And leaders know where to go. The whole society of this generation looks up to the Titans, the leaders ; the men to be followed.

6) Time is their most precious asset. Period.

Every great entrepreneur, every great singer, every great actor ; they all have these traits in common. These traits define confidence and power.
Greatness is a product of the process called smart work. 

 But let me tell you one thing that greatness plus humbleness is the best combination ever!
So aim for the best ! Stay humble. Stay courageous and power will follow you very soon.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

How To Be Realistic ?

What does “being real” mean?

Being real means being WHAT YOU REALLY ARE.

Okay, that was tricky. Let me rephrase that. 

Can you identify anyone who tries to be sweet around you and you know very well that he/she is someone else behind you? I know you can identify such people. This species is present everywhere.

Now if your intuition can sense this person, can't your fakeness be decoded by someone else?

I know you would feel good if someone who is bad, accepts that and admits it in front of you. Now, what would you feel if you accept your mistakes and flaws in front of someone else and promise them to amend yourself? A sense of joy, happiness and confidence will flow into you.

When you are hiding your true self from someone, the bond of you both will get weak. Negativity is like a disease. Once a germ gets into your mindset, it will spread the disease of negativity in you and then this disease is hard to be cured.
I urge you to be what you are. Step out into the world by being the most authentic version of you. You'll be someone who can change the world. Because what I believe is, that if someone can change himself (accepting his flaws) then changing the world is just a cake walk for him. This is because the real enemy of us is "we" ourselves. Let me serve you with the best part, you know your weaknesses. So why not attack them and be victorious?

The government has successfully put up fines on everything that is fake, be it fake product selling, fake advertisements, fake marketing, fake prospectus of a company etc. Sadly the government couldn't put up fine on the one thing that is diminishing the value of our society, and that is Fake Humans

So does that give you and me a license to be fake?

No, it doesn't. 

It's the biggest liability on the whole community, if you're being fake. You know inside what lies you've told. You know inside what negativity you're spreading. Will you be happy from inside while doing so? I know you couldn't. Your inner self is someone you're afraid of. Our inner selves are the true souls connected to the God, and God never supports the fake. So why will your inner self-support you? Please give this a few seconds to think.

So, now ending our this conversation on a beautiful note :-

Love openly. Live fully. Kiss your loved ones passionately like there's no tomorrow. Be truthful. Be honest. Be funny. Be serious. Be happy. Be motivated. You have just one life. Why don't shower love and care wherever you go? You'll just get it back manifold. 

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Importance of Silence in our Lives

Today I was sitting on an empty metro platform of Delhi metro in India. I used to have this habit of sitting alone every week for an hour, this habit of mine always used to give me a new vision and a new clarity. Today did this after such a long time, and it felt divine.

I would like to share with you today the importance of being silent. Have you ever noticed any men in high repute, like a CEO or a great soccer player or your school principal? Didn't you notice that they used to speak less? That is because silence really pays off.

My advice to you would be to sit alone every week for a few hours and just think about the way you're leading your life. We all are just going with the flow of our lives, we never stop. Have you ever stopped and seen that are you going in the correct direction with the correct amount of speed ? 

Whenever you're silent you talk to your most inner self. You can lie to the world but not to yourself. Let YOU, TEACH YOU. Won't that be amazing? I believe that each one of us has the potential to become legendary in our respective works and the way we lead our personal lives, but many times we can't do that due to various tensions in our lives.

 I have found out the answers to my questions (tensions) in the deep valleys of silence. Those moments filled with tranquility they all provide me with inner peace, joy and fulfillment. Silence is one of my best friends. But this guy is a bit difficult to befriended. Silence becomes friends and answers to only those who are consistently looking for answers.

Life is beautiful, very beautiful. If you have any problems in your lives, spend some time in silence it will pay you off very well. Just think about your problems when you are alone. Don't fret over them, try to find some solutions and I am damn sure, you'll get them. This is because your inner self is manifold wiser than you are. Please seek his advice.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why Should You Praise Yourself Every Day

There is a unique power in praise. Whenever someone praises us, we feel elated. We feel that we have done something recognizable ; something meaningful in our lives.

But many times it happens that we do small things and nobody notices it. Then we feel the need to be seen, which then gives birth to the urge of being noticed which in turn becomes "attention seeker" thinking. Might be this is the reason why I am in support of the attention seekers. Because somewhere down the line, they were ignored of love, praise and happiness that all of us deserve. Obviously, the way they portray themselves is wrong, but am looking at it at a deeper level.

I don't want that to happen with you. Praise yourself each and every day. If you helped someone cross a road today, then praise yourself for being such a nice human being. If you made a friend out of a stranger, praise yourself. If you made a sad friend happy, praise yourself. If you got your first salary or even a penny from your own hard work, praise yourself.

There is a unique power in praise. When you praise yourself it makes you feel good. It gives you a sense of self-satisfaction and I believe in this age, it is so important to constantly remind ourselves of the good things we have done so far.

You'll agree with me that we all have so much of negative energies around us. So why not fill up your "mind tank" so full of positive energy, that if any negative comes in, it gets bounced back from the " bucket" of your mind. Wouldn't that feel good to you ?

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Is Money God ???

"Money is God in this world" just heard this line from a friend. And it made me think on this. Is he really right?

Is my friend right?

Let's study this concept today.

In earlier days there was barter system, and then it got replaced by money system. 

If we look at the barter system, the person A would give his product to person B only if, B had some goods with himself. I think that is the same case happening these days. You will get a product only if you give the other person some money (which in itself is a product).

So I guess my friend is partially right. Money is very much important in this world. But it should never be given the status of God.

I guess I've made my points pretty much clear. Money and emotions, they can never be correlated and they both should never be compromised. They are not supplementary to each other. They should work together in your life, they're complimentary.

Yes, I know that if you have money it will make your journey to success much more pleasant and smooth. But wouldn't the kiss of your spouse, the hug of your children and the love of your dog make your day happy ?

Yes, it's good to be rich but I think it would be better to be rich from the heart as well. Balance it out. Love your children like there's no tomorrow. This day today will never come today. This moment that you're reading this blog will never come again. You really can't recapture what you could have done today. Earn lots of money, but with that, earn relationships too. :)

Work hard, play hard and love harder.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Build Focus Around What Matters

Your mind right now is having millions of thoughts. This very second, there are millions of thoughts, feelings and emotions going on in your mind. Most of those thoughts are subconscious.

This is the era of distraction. Constantly our mind is exposed to a new distraction every five seconds. Sadly most of these thoughts are negative. One moment you are thinking about a friend who ill-treated you. The other moment we are remembering our childhood and school friends. The very next moment, we are happy thinking about the gift given to us by our spouse. These millions of thoughts generate millions of emotions, and these millions of emotions many times result in an emotional imbalance.

And you know very well that imbalance is bad ; bad for your health ; bad for your well being and bad for your mental health.

How to counter it ?

Here are some fresh tips from my side :-

1) Stop Worrying

How much does a candy cost in your locality? A rupee here in India. 
Will you buy it if you need it ? 
No, right ? 
Then please tell me that why do you buy the "Worry candy" from "the shop of the society" ? 

This society sells worry for free and we all are so much accustomed to buying it, that we buy it very often. We buy it. We taste it.we regret it. And we again buy it. Why?

2) Will worrying do you anything?

 Will your worry candy, do you any good? Or, has it done any good to you till now? NO. Then why buy into the opinions of others, take their worries on your own heads and load yourself up with this burden? Worrying is the cost the budding genius pays to resign himself to mediocrity.

3) Negativity will always be there.

Good has to be there to win over evil. What I believe in is that, we need and we should have some negativity in our lives. Only then can we make a note of the positives in our lives. It's good to be uncomfortable because only the person who's uncomfortable will struggle and fight for comfort.

There will always be negativity in your lives. Something or the other will always bang your head and fight for your attention. But you shouldn't get distracted by it. Focus on positives. Focus on the happy things in your life.

A few points to explain to you how to defeat this mental pressure :-

1) Write it down.

I feel a lot elated when I write down my problems. It brings clarity. It makes me focus on my most important priorities. It makes me realise that how small are my problems and it's just me who's magnifying them. 

Writing helps you connect to yourself. It's like you're facing a person blunt like you and a person sweet like you. The person on the other side is you. It is very difficult to tell yourself the bad things about you. But believe me, when you'll do it. You'll love it !

2) Meditation

Yeah, I do mean that boring stuff of sitting for so long without any chatting. 
Well, it does have many benefits. 
Meditation gives you a firm control over your senses and your thoughts. It provides a unique power to you. The presence of the Infinite Intelligence (God) can only be felt with it. 
Yes, it will be difficult for you to do it for the first few days but then after some days, you'll get in the mode of automaticity. It will get automatic for you. There will be many thoughts fighting for your attention, but it will be your responsibility to focus up only one thing. ( Search out various meditation techniques on the net, whichever suits you, do it.)

3) Go with the flow

It's okay to have some problems in your life. 
It's okay to have some questions unanswered. That might be because God doesn't want you to have the answer. Be patient, answers will come. 

Time has always been careful about what should be given, to whom and when. When the student is ready, the teacher just appears. When the time is right, you'll get your answers.

 Let your mind serve you. You don't serve. Because if you serve it, (am sorry to say this) you don't deserve it.

Make it a practice to control your mental muscle. A man/ woman who can control their mental muscle has always been one of the most influential people of their era.

Don't you wanna be among them?

So stop worrying and let's kill it to the core. Am there by your side. Let's give it a head shot !

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Who is Stopping You From Achieving Great Things In Life

Who are you?

Define yourself in one paragraph. I know that would be difficult for many and only a few will be able to define themselves clearly.

Write down the way you describe yourself.

Now read it aloud.


Okay, now let me drive the car and you sit on the passenger seat.

Please answer my these questions:-

1) what qualities according to you does an epic man have?

2) how does a man who has a high self-worth behave?

3) what are the habits of the millionaires and billionaires?

Written the answers?

Now read these aloud.

My main question here is :-

When did you feel a blow of confidence in your voice?

Wasn't it the second time you read the qualities of billionaires that made you feel boosted up?

That's the very reason behind this blog post.

Name the person who's stopping you to achieve your dreams.  Name the person who is not letting you discharge your most authentic form of genius. You know what the answers will be, it's YOU yourself.

We are so much habitual of putting our faults on other's heads that we forget that what goes around come around. This life is a boomerang. Throw what you wish for. When we are not putting in our level best efforts in whatever way we want, we tend to make this mistake.

Blaming other's is easy and blaming yourself is in itself a big obstacle. Our egos come in the way. But when we admit our mistakes and accept the responsibility, we become something else. Our self-worth increases and self confidence makes us boom into the sky even higher. 

 In the first instance, when you described yourself, it's actually not you defining yourself. It's the society who is defining you. We hear a lot of noise from this society and sadly, this noise happens to be their own negative self-talk. When we hear that, our minds get used to them, and when it gets used to them, our mind starts believing that it's true. 

Society says"you can't do it. You're not made for it. You think too high. Your dreams are impossible. You don't have that thing in you." So we listen to them, shut up our inner self and resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Don't let the society define you. You're better than them. 
You're a genius living among them waiting to be tapped in. 
You're a source of positivity in this negativity epidemic filled the world. 
This epidemic of negativity kills the potential of millions each and every moment. I don't think there can anything deadlier than that. When a human soul is infected, it's very hard to cure it.  Your positivity is going to be the antidote. Spread happiness. Spread love. Spread care. And yes, most importantly, spread SMILES.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Hidden Mentor

We all have some mentors in our lives. A small child studying in class 2nd also has a teacher. A company's Branch Manager has his own boss. A person who is cleaning dishes in a restaurant has a senior to report to. We all have someone to report to.

I would gently suggest you to write down the name of the different teachers, bosses, and seniors that have touched your life since birth. Your parents are your first mentors so do write their names as well.


Okay, Good. 

Next step. 

Now, in front of all those names write down that one good thing you've learned from all.

Are you still having some names from whom you've not learned anything good?

Yes, there would be some names, but please focus on those people and bring them again in your vision. You'll notice that they have something to teach you. There is always a hidden lesson.

Like for example if you had a teacher who always used to punish you in your school days. Now you'll say what do you have in here to learn?
Hidden lesson :- the teacher was bad. Used to punish you. Right? So haven't you started hating her? So doesn't this feeling of hate towards her, give you a feel that you should be a calm and loving person? Why make people remember you in a bad way. Love them no matter for how many seconds you meet them. You never know when God will see your this loving nature and flow more happiness in your life.

Another example:- You have had a very supporting lecturer in your college. He was sweet and very helpful. Do I need to give you the reasons for loving him back and remembering him? The words loving and helpful are self-explanatory.

Another example :-
You have a very strict boss, who always uses bad language and makes you do his work.

Hidden lesson:-
You are worth more than him.  Why so ? Because he's making you do his work. And now if you'll say that " no Prateek you didn't get me, he's making me do work and he's a monster, he enjoys and makes me do his work " then my gentle suggestion to you would be... Why are you still in this job? For diminishing your value?  For lowering your self-worth? Please don't. Please switch it. Don't let anyone hold the pen and write your story. Write it yourself in your life's book.

I know you'll be saying that I've used 2 negative experiences and only one positive one. The reason is that the people in front of whose names you didn't write the good thing learnt, they are the same people from which you didn't learn a lesson and who had influenced your life in a bad way. See this is the very reason why you couldn't see the hidden lesson to be learnt there.

Please, please and please remove your glasses of perception. Many times we perceive people the way they are and we tend to take that same negative/positive experience throughout our lives. All of them have something to teach you. Even a small baby can teach you many things. I've read a lot in newspapers wherein many famous actresses said that the birth of their baby taught them many lessons in life.

Anybody can be your teacher. So, love and respect everyone. What if someone gives you something bad, offer him something good in return, he'll be ashamed like never before. If you'll give him something bad in return, would there be any difference between you and him?

Please think about it.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

How to get All The Time you ever wanted in Your Life

Hope all are doing good in their fields and chasing your dreams in the most astonishing manner. Today's article is a bit tricky and it might make your mind go boggling, but you will love it ! 

I've heard many people saying :-

"Dude, I really wanna do the study for exam, but seriously I don't have time"


"Am telling you, if God gave me one wish, it would be :- I wish I had more time to give to my family"


"Bro, I really want to do the gym, but can't. No time, you see"

These are some of the typical excuses I've heard. Pardon me for referring to them as “excuses” because I know that for you guys they're reasons. But just wait, let me tell you something, by the end of this blog post, you'll yourself see these so called “Reasons” of yours transforming into “Excuses”.

Now let me ask you a question, why do you say that you don't have time for doing this and that ?

Why ?

Because you know inside yourself that the particular thing you're delaying is a very crucial thing to you.

The only reason why humans pose questions or queries or show discomfort is because they want a change.

The reason that you're giving all these reasons (I want to use the word excuses here but I won't,  as I've promised you that in the end you'll yourself refer to them as excuses) that why you're giving all these reasons is because you know that how much uncomfortable you are from inside.

It feels bad when you know inside yourself that what your potential is and what you're doing. It does feel suffocating when you are not able to take out time for working towards your stars in the sky. It feels bad when you see yourself fatty in the mirror. Yes, it feels so hurting when you know you could be doing a work that is of significance to you. To some people it feels bad when you can't do anything for the society. 

I believe that the only reason why people give "reasons" that why they can't get the time is just because they are insecure from inside. They are hiding the fact that yes they know inside themselves that they can take out time due to their own unproductive activities. People cover their "excuses" with the cover called "reasons" because they are hiding their own "astonishing selves" from the world and themselves.

Where are you hiding?
And... seriously... Why are you hiding? 

Why are you running away from the fear, when you know one-day chickens will come home to roost?

What is the point in running? You many run, but how far will you go? One day the fear will catch you.

So my gentle suggestions to you all are :-

1)   Make time to spend with your family.

2)   Make the time to break bread with your customers and your suppliers.

3)   Make the time to do good for the society.

4)   Make the time to call up your friends and tell them how much you miss them.

5)   Make the time to touch the life of one stranger each day and leave him/her with a smile. (I do this whenever I see an opportunity).

6)   Make the time to read bedtime stories to your children. I know you wouldn't want to regret this when they grow up, sadly many do. 

7)   Make the time to get your fitness levels to new heights each and every day. You really can't put a price tag on it! 

8)   Prioritize your work because clarity is the mother of mastery. For mastery you need clarity. And for clarity you need prioritization. (Read my article on prioritization here at How to prioritize your day ? )

IMMEDIATELY STOP listening to "The Coward You". Listen to "The Brave You".

Let the world brighten up with the light from the fire within you. If you don't do it, someone else will. It might be the next woman/man reading this article or it might be the one who just read it and is now engaged ferociously in her/his work!

Are you that one for which I've written this?

 If yes, then my friend, throw away all your excuses! And do what Nike teaches us :-  JUST DO IT!

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

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