Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Say "Thank You" More Often

You woke up. 
You checked your cell phone. 
Went to the washroom. 
Brushed your teeth. 
Had some coffee/tea and before you even realize you left for work or to fetch that daily newspaper you so much waited for the whole night!

Now let me ask you one simple question:- Is it you channeling yourself or someone else? 

No! It definitely ain’t you. It’s your boss or your newspaper vendor who’s channeling you and you are completely unaware of this!

Sometimes we do say “Thank You” to both of them, but we so often forget to say thanks to the guy above them too.

Yes, Am referring to the guy up there who gave birth to all of us.

We forget to say thanks to him very often. We forget that he’s the one who has given us each and everything to be thankful for. Gratitude isn’t the only thing am referring you to practice. Not even praying, though the way we pray is altogether not right most of the times(Another post for that later).

It is proved by scientific researches that our soul has some weight too. Our soul is something that isn’t made up of any matter. It’s invisible, yet very much here. Similarly is The God Particle. Some call it Jesus Christ,some call it as The Infinite Intelligence, some call it as Krishna, some as Shiva, some as Waheguru and some as Allah. But all these different paths lead to the same destination.

This very moment when you are reading this write-up, someone in Puerto Rico might be in his last breaths, someone in Thailand might be going through excruciating pain while giving birth to her child, someone in India might be suffering from cancer and praying for his recovery, a single dad in Canada might be leaving his children to school for the first time, a teenager somewhere in Shanghai  is frightened to go to his school because he is made fun of having stutter.

There are many other worse situations you could have been in. But, look around you. Your life is so much blessed. YOU are so much blessed. 


Please don’t spend this beautiful, new, inspiring day remembering your sins. We all have done our part of sins. No one is perfect. But that’s what makes us more human, being aware of our mistakes and learning from them to get better in the art of life.

Say, Thank You to god (or the Universal Energy, whatever you believe in) for giving you one more day to live this beautiful life. You being alive is a blessing. He has a mission for you to fulfill. He has sent you here to make things better, not worse. So why not keep Him in mind always and do the good deed? 

From the bottom of your heart, say Thank You to the energy up there for blessing you with the clothes to wear, family and friends to love, food to eat, water to drink and sheltered home to live in. 

Trust me, when you'll start saying Thank You more often and from the core of yourself, you'll feel blessed and life will thus seem like a playground to dance, live, laugh, and love! :) 

Until next time…
Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. And . . . Stay grateful!

Thank You for reading my this short article, dear sweet soul! 

Follow me/subscribe to this blog for more weekly inspirational insights that I'd love to share with you! 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Why People Give Up So Easily?

The moment we come across a new project at work or any other responsible job is assigned to us, we feel enthused with the fact that it will make our life interesting, challenging and will motivate us to bring on our A-game to the table.
Some of us, gradually, feel the drudgery and all the intoxicating fire in the belly which was alive in the initial days starts wearing out. Odds are that each one of us has been in the shoes of that ‘some of us’ and have experienced the same.
With near to zero motivation, about to die interest and merely surviving confidence in the project/work assigned to us, we give it up. If the project has some direct connection with the daily bread and butter, then only we dare to complete it.
So, what’s the real factor behind such mentality? Why does this ever happen? Is there any solution for this?
Below I’ve listed out some of the very crucial reasons which will surely help you in knowing the reasons that why do we give up and to own the legendary seed dormant inside of you and be out there showcasing your WOW level genius to the world.

Here we go. . .
1.       We Magnify Challenges Too Much and Too Often.

After setting up the desired goal, we immediately start working towards its attainment. The gorgeous path of success then starts posing the ever-so-beautiful challenges in front of us, which we look upon as threats to our comfort zones, instead as an opportunity to seize.

This happens solely because of the fact that we start magnifying our challenges/problems/struggles too much and too often. All the while, when this “Degree of Doubt” is far bigger than the degree of self-belief, which ultimately forces us to give up.

This phenomenon takes birth again when we start thinking about what others might say/ think. Hence, when we start spending more time with the “Degree of Doubt” we happen to forget to grow our self-belief and thus commit the crime of self- sabotage.

We not only deny ourselves from the confidence of after-completion success but also from the glorious future and marvelous opportunities ahead of it.

2.       We Forget The Art of Perseverance.

The Masters are cut from different cloth?  à  NO!
They’ve got some superpower to focus for long grueling hours?  à NO!
That’s what makes them great? à YES!!!

Abe Lincoln, Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Gates, Musk, You, Me, Everyone. We all have same physical features. Difference starts showing its signs when we look deeper and find out that it’s nothing but the art of persevering which aptly defines why someone is at a higher point today. (This is not judgment, just personal observation.) :)

Why we give up is because we presume ourselves to be so tiny in front of the huge goals we set for ourselves. We should breakdown the goals into smaller yet measurable milestones for the progress gets measured and course corrections could be made accordingly. [BONUS POINT : Add a reward for each milestone achieved. This will surely ease up your stress nerves.]

3.       The Grass Always Seems Greener On The Other Side.

When troubles give us their first peek-a-boo, we get jittery and look sideways, staring at the competition working hard and this discourages even more.

Now, you the reader, would you please tell me the name of one company which laid its 10 year action plan and worked according to that same plan and got its results? Well, chances are NONE!

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.Delicious Ambiguity.” GILDA RADNER

Looking into the competitor’s strategy is okay for business POV, but yes, copying them is a sin.

In a nutshell, run your own race.

4.       Holding On To “Failure Tag” for too long.

This is something that kills the productivity and enthusiasm in most. We fail at some point and someone says, “You’re a failure.” So, instead of taking it proactively we react to it and keep rewinding playing the same roll again and again in our minds. Next whenever you hear that line, BANG comes the same reel again.

Stop this activity. You’re definitely NOT what people judge you as.

5.       We Want Outcome More Than The Willingness To Put In The Effort To Learn Skills Or Put In Those Study Years .

Instant noodles. Order and self serve joints. Technology has surely been a nitrous to our slow world but it has made us humans greedy and desperate to want things ASAP.  We aren’t much ready to put in those hard study years to go through the subject, acquire a lot of specialized knowledge and then brainstorm the market with our concepts, vision and actions. We want things now, this instant. And nothing makes matters worse than this.

6.       The Magic Ingredient is Missing in Most of Us.

Main course is served.
Previously what you had were just the starters my love. ;)

The most overused but brutally true cliché is that people don’t believe in themselves to such gargantuan degrees in order to overshadow their “Degree of Doubt.”

We all have to go through our own set of challenging and arduous goals. Different goals call for different paths which obviously contain a variety of tough challenges, but they’re not the points to give up.

Imagine you’re driving in the night. Can you see the destination point from where you’re standing? NO. Then why do you expect life to not give you any hardships?

Start the car. Switch on the lights. Trust the process. As you move the light also moves with you. So the key is to keep moving. Have faith in yourself and in God (Infinite Intelligence) up there.

Challenges are meant to make us climb the summit again and again. I think not giving in is also an art to learn. ;)

Remember, those who persevere are winners. It’s the hard, grueling, weary climb that makes the experience of standing on the mountain top beautiful and worthwhile.
. Never let them go. After all, what are we without them, just a handful of meaningless dirt. :)

I hope my ideas have served you with their fullest of potential.
I would love to know your views as well, so please drop a comment below.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Don’t forget to subscribe and follow me for more of such articles. :)

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Who is The Holy Man?

After roaming for days and months, a wise man decided to rest in a village for a few days. He thought to spend some days there and then he’ll continue his journey. Word spread like fire in the village about the arrival of such an extraordinary man. The local villagers referred to him as The Holy Man.

A man from the village decided to visit him and seek some of his wisdom. The only problem was that The Holy Man lived on top of a distant mountain away from the hustle of the village. But the man was determined to visit The Holy Man anyway.

When he arrived at the house, he saw an old servant inside who greeted him gladly. Man said, “I would like to meet The Holy Man. Heard a lot about his wisdom.” Servant said “Sure”, and took him inside.

In no time the man was led to the back of the house and he found himself standing outside the house. He was shocked and a bit confused too. On one side he was anticipating to meet The Holy Man and here he is standing outside the house with no sign of any man other than the servant himself. He turned and said furiously to the servant, “I wanted to meet The Holy Man! Why did you bring me in the backyard of the house? Where is He?”

The servant smiled and replied “You already have. Everyone you met today on the way here is a wise holy spirit. They all hold supreme holiness within them. No matter how plain and insignificant they might look, see each of them as a wise Holy Man. If you do this, then whatever problem you brought here today (with the intention of getting it solved) will be solved .” 

Sunday, July 09, 2017


Hey Guys!  What’s up?

I hope that all of you are reaching your highest best.

Give me a few minutes of your day and let me remind you that YOU are invincible!! No matter how hard your circumstances are or how hard your situations get, you always have that legendary trait to nail down each and every single one of your troubles and triumph over them!

So here are Today’s 5 best motivational quotes to rekindle that fire in your belly!

Sunday, July 02, 2017

How To Build Strong Relationships

Each and everything that exists in this material world, be it a living thing or a non- living one, they’re all connected to each other. There is an existence of a very beautiful bond between all the things. Among humans, we call that ‘bond’ or that sort of connection as “relationships”.

Feeling connected and loved by those whom we’re connected to, is a very fundamental need that almost all of us crave for in our lives, from the beginning to the end.  Despite of this, we sometimes feel that there is some sort of disconnection, or we tend to experience that some sort of aura gets missing and we feel gloomy. 

So today with this article, I would like to present to you some very beautiful tips on How To Build Strong Relationships.
Let’s get started …

1)    Schedule It! 

Every successful company schedules its meetings. We all schedule our days around our work but often we forget to schedule the time we want to spend with our loved ones. Don’t spend so much time in work that you’re left wondering how your kids became adults so soon. Watch them grow. Be part of their growing up. Not just in parenting, we desperately need scheduling in all of our “relationships”.

Plan out all those days in which you want to spend time with your loved ones. Sit with them, ask them that you genuinely are interested in doing so and watch how they assist you. If your excuse all these years has been that they don’t have time for you, then try this idea! They’ll appreciate you took this step and they WILL give you time ad love, for sure. ;)

 Scheduling is always done and recommended for achieving a specific or a defined goal/objective. Isn’t spending time and creating moments of happiness in your relationships one of your life’s meaningful purposes?

2)    Say “I Love You” More Often

This one’s surely a no brainer.

You love your loved ones. Well, everyone loves their respective loved ones. You love them. They love you. Still, why do you feel that emotional hole?

Lack of expression – that’s the simplest answer to that.

Loving is merely like a car without wheels if you don’t make the time and effort to say “I Love You” to your loved ones like you mean it. Would that simple thing, ever cost you anything? Not at all. Still, do we do it? Guess not. So, please do that A LOT!

And don’t just go straightaway and say “Hey! I want to tell you that I love You”, well that could be done, but it lacks the ‘surprise’ element. 

Plan something exciting and surprise your loved ones regularly.  Don’t leave those three letters to be used only when it’s your loved one’s anniversary or birthday, use them more often!

Love More To Get Loved More!

3)     Engage in deep meaningful conversations

Those distress times when we don’t feel that some “spark” is missing in our lives, then is the moment you should realize that you have something troubling you or your loved one. Sit with them. Make time for them! (I just have to repeat this one again!) Go to a place where none of your sexy social notifications could poke you for your valuable attention. Turn off all distractions and make the other person talking. Cheer them up. Make them feel like “Oh! That has happened to me as well…” and then go on with your story. Sometimes when we feel that our close ones have been through the same things, same battles, same struggles, we feel that we are not alone. Or if there’s no connection between the thing troubling your loved one and you; just lend a helping hand and an empathetic ear to them. It will mean a new world to them. We all worry a lot; sometimes all it takes is just that one person to whoosh it all away!

4)    Encourage Healthy Criticism

All of us want to know our weaknesses to improve ourselves so that we could improve the quality of the fine thread of our relationships. Engage in healthy criticism with your loved ones. Be patient, listen to all those bad things about you and say “Shut Up!” to your mind when the other person is talking. After he/she has finished, don’t just blurt out all those reasons you were withholding earlier, instead talk it through with them. Your relationship is a journey, go with the other person hand in hand, together getting through all obstacles; and this can be only done if you encourage each other to be the best you see in your better half.
5)    What If Fights Occur…?

If fights occur, then remember you both are in this relationship; make sure one person remains silent if the other is unintentionally loud. And the last thing I want to suggest you, which I apply in my life is – never go to sleep after a fight. You just never know when the other person won’t be there to continue that fight. So instead of dozing off with hatred in heart, get up and resolve, then sleep peacefully.

Hope my ideas will serve you to the fullest of their potential.
Dwell on them for some time. Think deeply through each one of these points and try to use them as often as you could.
Relationships are the only jewels you have in life. Don’t lose them. . . or else, you’ll lose life!

Till next time!
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to this blog for more of such motivational articles.

Share this article to your near ones if you liked it.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

How To Love All Year Long

Today’s article is specially crafted for the ones who just celebrated their Valentine’s Day.

Well, I personally feel that there is nothing special about Valentine’s Day only and if, you love your sweetheart all year round. But yes, if you forget to love your darling all year, then buddy, you definitely should thank for having this one day!

Okay jokes apart, today I will share with you some simple ideas and tricks you can use to amp up your love life because without that spark in your love life, you’ll lose your mojo very soon. And there is nothing worse than a man without love in his heart. Love drives all of us, love forces us to be better and it is love alone which has motivated many men in history to become legends! Examples are Charles Dickens and Abraham Lincoln to name a few.

Note : Just don’t think that these points are only for the couples who have kids. This article is for ALL who are in relationships.

It all starts with…

1)    Schedule It !

Properly arranged your office files?                       Check!
Set reminders for next week’s meetings?              Check!
Allocated time for working extra this Friday?        Check!
Made firm decision to invest more in equity?        Check!
Set aside a date for your lovely wife/ girlfriend?   Uh-Oh!

You got it. Didn’t you? Stop taking your loved one for granted. Make them feel that they are valuable by giving them undivided attention and all the love you store in each of the chambers of your heart. For doing this, during the starting of every month, make the time to sit alone with your loved one, tell them you just want their time and make a schedule to go on dates with them. And please leave your kids at home then or to your parent’s house. It’s a time for YOU BOTH ONLY !

2)    Family time is different from the intimate time.

Many of us do the mistake that we think that spending time with family is same as spending time with your loved one.  See, family time is a time for discussing family matters, intimate time is for all these things you used to talk about with your loved one when you didn’t have kids.  Your wife/husband/better half needs your attention for their own stuff they want to talk about, not something related to the kids. Of course kids are important to your loved one as they are to you, but don’t forget to leave them behind in your lovely journey. Take them along with you.
3)    Bring back that Old Love

C’mon, this one’s a no brainer. You know why you have lost your old love life somewhere in the backyard? Because you have burdened up yourself with too much obligations, too much work and too much responsibilities.  STOP! Being so rude and selfish. Think about your love. Get flirty again the way you were in the past. While walking give a sudden kiss to him/her. They’ll be surprised and you surely will make them feel like those good old days are back!

ONLY YOU can bring back the spark, no one else will.

4)    Propose Her Again!

  I think our better halves do for us much more than we think they do. So why not while you both are walking down the beach, sunset time, crisp air washing by your side, you kneel down and BANG! Pop the question to her again. Obviously she’ll be surprised. Don’t get shocked if she asks you if you’re okay or not. But this one act of yours will make the long beach walk perfectly beautiful for her… and for you as well!

So please, spend a whole year like the way I have explained. And you’ll never have to wait for the Valentine’s Day.

Loving fully is living openly. :) 

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to this blog for more of such motivational articles.

Share this article to your near ones if you liked it.

Till next time…

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Saturday, May 06, 2017

The 10 Brain Tattoos of Legends : Robin Sharma

The following 10 brain tattoos are originally created by Robin Sharma. I have just added below each point that why I loved that particular quote. Hope you like them too. :) 

1.    You can be a victim or a titan. You can’t be both.

We all get to make our own choices every single second of our lives. At this very moment, some of us might be stressed due to an unavoidable circumstance while someone going through the same struggle might be at peace with all the turbulence around her because she knows someday everything will fit in. Titans trust the process while the victim hates it.

2.    Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

By this quote, Robin Sharma perfectly delivers a lot of wisdom in just one simple line. Well, that’s just his awesome way! Many of us give ourselves excuses that our genius self doesn’t deserve. And then we blame someone else for it. It’s just that we know that our fears are the primary sources of the liberation of our bravest selves; still we keep on clinging to them all lifelong. Please shed them up!

3.    An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production.

The moment we shift our focus from learning to laziness, we kill the dream we have. All of us get distracted a lot by the never-ending distractions of the world. Only a few of us, rarely 5-10%, are able to be successful. The quote above by Robin Sharma is the reason why this happens. No magic here. Pure dedication.

4.    A job is only a job if you choose to see it as a job.

More than half of the people we see in our society complain about their work. We blame our work for it being so boring and lack of energy. For one week, look at your work as if it is something that will change the world. Look at your simple “boring” job as something that makes this world happy and makes you feel that you are contributing to something bigger than you think. Robin Sharma puts this so well in his quote above that you should see your job as a craft, a medium through which you could serve the humanity. Look from Robin’s viewpoint. You’ll never shift to old thinking.

5.    Every visionary was first ridiculed before she was revered.

Well, this one’s a no brainer. We all have heard about so many great leaders who walked this planet Earth who were first ridiculed of their idea. They were called crazy. But then they were revered when their legendary selves shone through the dark times. Examples are Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, Picasso etc. If you do feel like people don’t believe in you and still you are continuing to chase your dreams, then my dear friend... You are one of them ;)

6.    Dream BIG. Start small. Begin today.

Many of us procrastinate a lot. We keep on planning and planning, thinking and thinking about the ways to achieve our goals. But in doing so, we don’t realize that planning a lot is taking up too much of our time! Sometimes, you shouldn’t keep on planning, just go for it! Start small. Start now. Begin today.

7.    The job of a leader is to grow more leaders. So leave people behind better than you found them.

We all don’t know for how long we have our stay on this planet. We all are in some way or the other dependent on another person. So while we stay here, why not make this ride a fun ride for others by lifting up the gloomy ones, by respecting the poor ones, by consoling the crying ones and by helping the needy ones? Grow people. Invest your time and energy in them.

8.    Adversity is nothing more than opportunity clothed in disguise.

All adversities bear the fruit of success. Just like a butterfly has to struggle through the shell to fly freely, we all have to fight through our share of struggles to fly in the world with freedom and bravery. No pain no gain.

9.    Life is short. Enjoy the process.

Really we never know when our last moment is. So why not spend each day loving, caring and spreading faith and hope all over? In the end we all have to turn into dust. Don’t we?

10.  Today is an awesome day to reach for your best.

Period. :)

I suggest to definitely watch the video from where I got these points and share it as much as you can. :) Click HERE to watch the video.

Robin Sharma is the author of No. 1 bestselling book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. You should definitely buy the book.  Just click on the image below this article and you could buy the book. He is also an internationally sought after speaker and one of the world’s most trusted leadership advisors. 

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to this blog for more of such motivational articles.

Share this article to your near ones if you liked it.
Till next time…

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Suggested reads with this article :-

Thursday, April 20, 2017

How To STOP Stopping And Just DO IT!

Has this ever happened to you that you missed out an opportunity when it came in front of you and you are struck with procrastination or fear at that moment, but later on utterly regret not making the move then and there?

I am sure such a moment must have come in your life till date. Even I have faced many of such circumstances when fear took the best part of me, restraining me with its chains and not letting me seize the opportunity.

This might have happened with you too. Like you wanted to propose a girl but didn't do it because of fear. Or, you wanted to reply back sharply to your colleague who shouted at you with no reason. Or, you wanted to tell the truth to your family or a close one but you didn't, because you didn't want your relationship to get weak after telling the truth.

We all have encountered this "mental fight" more than once in our lives, but still, so many of us don't learn from it and make a resolution to change for the good.

So today, please do yourself a favor and go through the following questions I have crafted for you with so much love, to deploy them as and when such a situation arises.

1) Why should I be seizing this opportunity?

2) Whatever will eventually happen, can it take someone's or my own life?

3) Why am I getting so scared of?
4) Is that person a monster who could eat me if I confront them with the truth?

5) By not disclosing the fact, will I be able to sleep peacefully at night?

6) If I don't tell them the truth, can I tell about it, proudly, to my family?

I am sure you'll get your answers if you should be taking that "jump" from the region of fear into the land of faith.

But please REMEMBER that there is only a 10-second window you have, to either "do it" or not.

Now let me give you some quick reasons that why you should be taking that "leap of faith".

1)    Because you don't want to regret it later.
2)    Because you know that there will be no better time to do it than this very moment.
3)    Because all you have got is just a 10-second window.
4)    Because you deserve to rise above your fears; your fears are nothing but your "self-created" hallucinations.
5)    Because you are stronger and better than you think you are.
6)    Because by taking that leap of faith, your confidence will boost and self-worth will soar to a whole new level.
7)    Because even if the outcome turns out to be not in your favor, you still are a hero.
8)    Because now, the act of taking the leap becomes easier for you.
9)    Because even if you've lost, you have gained a bounty full of wisdom and knowledge from it.

Zero doubts about the fact that if we face the situation or we speak out what we have bottled up inside, we surely will feel relieved. I have now made it a resolution to do it, then and there, because all we have is just this ONE LIFE.

This life is so small for hiding behind those bushes of insecurity; instead, this life is all about walking down the goal fearlessly like a lion, vulnerable and bold.

I urge you today, take that leap of faith!!!

 Lifetime regret is much costlier than momentary knots in your stomach. Don't you feel the same way?

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Chase What You Love

Today's article is a decent reminder of your inner genius and a wake-up call to the sleeping ones because there is no better time but today to chase down your love and passion.

With “love”, here, I refer to your own passion and the art you want to release in the world.

With love, here, I refer to that work for which you are up till late nights which never lets you sleep.

With love, here, I mean that love of your life for which you are ready to put in every last drop of your sweat and blood.

With love, here, I mean that particular single goal which reigns supreme in your mind for that is your surest path to success.

With love, here, I mean that mission of your life for the completion of which you wake up every day with fire to fight against all naysayers and critics and do what means the most to you.

Ladies and gentlemen, I refer, here, "love" to the craft you are pursuing right now.

Many folks from "the lot" of mediocrity wonder what drives a successful man when they look at them.

The answer is simple - they are following their passion.

So while being stuck in the feeling of jealousy, they criticize and condemn those massive leaders for who they are and try to find their weaknesses.

My this article is just a simple reminder for you to keep on doing what you are doing, because if you won't pursue what you want to or if you don't keep on doing what you're good at, then you surely will steal the golden opportunity from the world to see how artistic your inner self is; you'll never be able to make the hidden genius in you, see the light of the day.

Just imagine the extent to which you'll leave the world depriving to get a glimpse of the genius in you.

Now if, like many people, you have the thought in mind that peace of mind is a by-product of money, then my dear friend, you are utterly mistaken.

Following the craft which according to your own mental beliefs will get you your dreams - that is the single most thing that will give you peace of mind. Money surely will accompany you soon on this path, but it always remains a by-product for such a person who is focused on creating nothing but world class.

As I have always written in my earlier articles, there is nothing hurting than future regrets not acted upon in time. I myself have skipped a few beautiful moments earlier in my life, where I could have improved my self-esteem, which I now regret. Lesson learned - moved on.

Might be this article would seem to you like a shorter one than usual, but let me wrap it up quickly with some more brainstorming ideas that why you should follow your passions.

The next time you attend a party or go to the office or you sit with a bunch of friends, just ask them these following questions:-

1) Hey! How's your day going?
2) So, what's the best part of your job which you absolutely love to do?
3) Who's your idol in your workplace to whom you look up to for every source of inspiration?
4) Have you ever felt like you are in a wrong place (to work) than now?

I am deeply sad to tell you that not many would answer joyously with gleaming passion on their faces.

You know why so?

Because not many of us are following our passions.

And, I personally feel that THIS is the very reason why you should follow your passion.

I want you to be the light in the dark for those lagging behind. I urge you to be the leader of such men and women who would view you as a source of inspiration and vigor. Be so good in your craft that your name alone lights up, the lagging ones, from inside and makes their stomachs burn with the fire of producing giant successful results. That is the class of leaders the world lacks right now.

Please own your Heroic-ship today!

As I said earlier, there is no better time than NOW.

Follow your passions. Make the difference. Live for something big. Be an inspiration.

There are only a few of us who are owning their games of life and playing with their crafts to be the heavyweight kings of their respective endeavors.

Are you among them?

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.