Sunday, May 22, 2016

Are We Really Fast On the Road To Our Dreams ?

Are you really fast and furious ?

By no means, this title or this blog is in connection to the famous movie franchise. Was just watching the latest fast and furious movie and while watching it, I got struck with the idea to write a blog post on speed.

BTW... Do You love speed ? Oh yes, I do.

 Disclaimer :- Please wear your helmet and seat belts while driving. Don't drink and drive. Follow traffic rules and drive safely and responsibly. I really don't support rash driving. It's better to reach late than never.

We all love speed. Not just speed of cars and bikes in real world or reel world but in many other cases as well. If your child is learning something you want him to learn it fast. A boss somewhere in Mexico wants his subordinates to do work on a higher rate. Look at the stock market, the Wall Street, it is all the game of speed. So in a nutshell, we all love speed. Now please tell me have you ever tracked how speedily you're going or working towards your dreams ?

Today morning I was driving back my mom from her school and while driving the car, I got this beautiful insight which I would like to put in here.

When you're driving, you increase speed when the road is clear. You slow down near a roadblock or a hump or on the red light. I believe that is the way we should drive the car of our life. Whenever you see a roadblock do you change your destination ? No. You change the route. The same way you should not change your dreams if the world says they're too big or you can't do that. Take a different route. If one solution didn't work why give up? Look out for another.

There will be many red lights, roadblocks and humps to shake you off your path to dreams. But I believe it's what inside you and your car that keeps you going. It's the fuel of positivity and hope that drives the car. 

 Speed up yourself to your dreams. Track your speed continuously. I know it's difficult to keep the same speed all over your journey to success but then (I love this line a lot ) Who loves to have easy success ?

So… Are you really fast and furious for your dreams ?

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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