Tuesday, May 03, 2016

How to identify Negative People in Your Life ?

Have you ever passed by a pit which is giving out the worst smell you have ever experienced ?

I guess you must have.

That is the same way people would feel if they surpass a negative person. A negative person who always criticizes about his company, always disrespects his bosses, treats his subordinates like servants is considered as a negative person. We really can't define who is negative or not by making a list because it would be difficult to make an exhaustive list of it.

But let me share with you a simple idea how to know that if a person is negative or not. Just answer these questions to find out :-

1) Do you feel safe with them?

2) Do your values, principals, work ethics and aspirations match up with that person ?

3) Whenever that person is around, do you feel yourself happy, safe and enjoying the real meaning of the word liberty?

4) Do you like them ?

If you answered "YES" to anyone of those questions, then yes that person is a negative person.

A negative person spreads out the negativity that is his foul smell. Just like the foul smell given by a pit full of garbage, makes you run away from it, in the same way, our subconscious mind gets away from such "foul thinking" people (aka the negative energies). I don't think that I need to tell you that if you remain in close contact to such a pit for a long time you'll get sick. Same way is our mind, get close to negative energies, slowly and steadily they'll crawl into your mind, destroy all the positive constructions and rebuild their own negative monuments. And believe me, breaking down such negative constructions is so damn hard.

My gentle suggest to you would be :-
Throw away all the negativities you have. 
Why keep the garbage in your own house ?
Just to make your home smell ?

In the end of the day, you'll have to sleep there only. Even one negative thought can tarnish the beautiful walls of your mind. Don't let it happen. You're the guard of your mind. Only let positive thoughts enter your mind. Don't allow the negative people insert their negative energies into your mental framework.

All you have is just this one life, guard it, preserve it and nurture it the same way you want your small kids to eat good and healthy food. This world is full of junk food and junk thoughts. Make sure that you give positive food to your mind. 

I leave the ball in your court, which food do you wanna feed your mind ?

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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