Saturday, May 14, 2016

How To Be Legendary In Your Work ?

Let me ask you a question today, who according to you are Legends ?

I believe they are those who know what their life is meant about. They know that the world is a stage and they need to perform their best each and every day. They are those guys who believe that success and riches are always accumulated with dedicated hard work.

Here we are, you and me, in our, as always, one to one conversation to help you discover the secrets of the "behind the scenes" hard work that these Legends like Chris Brown, Madonna, Barack Obama and Roger Federer put in to get the respect and love from their respective audience, which they so much deserve.

So let's shift some gears and start...

1) The Legends have a high focus around their To-Dos

They know that the time once spent cannot be taken back. They are very well aware of their work and the things that matter the most to them or let me put this a more tedious way... They don't let their most important stuff be at the mercy of the least important stuff. Most of their time goes in accomplishing something great in their task. They love spending time with their craft.

2) They focus on the Basics.

All legends know this very well that a strong foundation is a necessity. Therefore, they spend a little time every day focusing on the basics, strengthening them, day by day. Basics are so very much important. Just like the way every time a world champion goes for his round of warm up before his daily practice routines, the same way we need to brush up our basics before we step into the arena.

3) They invest their time and energy well.

All of us have a limited amount of time and energy with us. What differentiates the way Bill Gates spends his set of 24 hrs and the way you and I spend our respective sets of 24 hrs is the reason why his earnings are in multiples of ours.

The way Bill Gates spends his days is much better than ours. And there is one thing you would agree on as well that he is a legend. Legends like him are ruthlessly engaged in spending their time focusing on their magnificent obsessions. For you and me obsession might be a negative word, but for these legends, obsession is a positive word, because that obsession is in direct relation with their dreams.

4) Dynamic Environment, Game changing ideas.

Each and every second there is a new opponent entering the market for these legends. They know this pretty well that someday their own followers might be their biggest competitors. But since these guys are the legends, they have made a new friend who is always backing them up with game-changing ideas to beat their contemporaries. This friend is INNOVATION. The one who innovates the more, survives longer in today’s market. 

All great leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes and sports stars in today’s era are constantly striving for the best. Constantly in the back of their mind, there is a Question going on :- 
How can I improve my performance? 
How can my company outperform its last quarter’s performance? 
How can I rise to a whole new level of iconic? 
How can I add an outrageous amount of value in my personal and professional life? 

For surviving in this age of drastic changes, we need to constantly ask ourselves these questions to stay on track.

5) Fitness is their religion

You must have noticed that all these elite players of their respective fields, they all are super fit. Even today’s millionaires and big corporate people invest a considerable amount of time in gyms and attaining a balanced physical fitness level. Why so ? Because they all understand that physical fitness is mental fitness. And to get your mental fitness you need to have to be physically fit. A genius mind can only reside in a physically fit body. You really cannot put a price tag on fitness. Yes, the fees of your gym are high but would that really matter if you get some awesome ideas to amp up your work while doing your gym ? Don’t see your gym fee as an expense, see it as an investment. When you start viewing your fitness as an expense, your ingrained genius trait becomes a liability to your mind. And it will never let you access it until and unless you pay the liability by daily exercising. There are many more benefits of being fit which I’ll share with you in another blog post.

6) They celebrate their successes

This is another famous technique used by the legends. Now I know, you must be saying that how is “celebrating after success” viewed by me as a technique ?

Please allow me to share my vision with you. I’ve noticed one thing that whenever these legends achieve something they celebrate it in a grand way. You know why ? Yes, of course, to give themselves rewards for the success, but somewhere down the line they derive some form of inspiration from it. I recently read an article of a famous business tycoon and he shared that whenever he goes out to a beach with his family after working long enough for months, he does spend quality time with his loved ones but those are the place where he finds most of his business ideas. See you cannot find your game changing ideas for your job or your work, by just sitting in the cabin box. You need to get out of that place to breath some more dreams in your mind and to breath in some more inspiration, dedication, commitment, and confidence to gain what you want.

So these were the simple steps followed by the legends. They are not some very difficult steps. They’re simple but not easy and that is what differentiates the legends from the average. This gives us another small point of differentiation.. commitment. They are committed to being world-class

A special note to the reader,

My dear friend,
The world is counting on you to showcase your genius to us. We the world, are waiting. Will you steal away such a golden opportunity from us ?

Please don't. Because if you do, the world can see another genius, but not the rare genius that is hidden in you.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.  

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