Friday, June 10, 2016

What Struggle Teaches Us

I am fully the cheerleader of the tagline "Stay happy and smiling no matter what life throws at you" but yes, sometimes even life shows you it's power and beats you no matter how hard you try.

I just went through some very tough days. They were exhausting. I could hardly camouflage my unhappiness. I would wake up in the morning, staring straight up at the ceiling in anticipation of the misery of the day.  Have you ever experienced that no matter how hard you try, you still can't change the past?

There is a moment in our lives when everything is going on fine, we're happy the way things are working on, there is no fear of loss and then something comes up and the storm dismantles all the constructions of your beautiful world.

Everything that earlier seemed to be in place is now falling apart. Nothing feels right. Nothing seems right. It seems like God is playing games with us. We do start asking him questions like "Why did you put that happiness in my life if you wanted to take it away from me?", "Who do you think I am? A puppet that you can play with the way you want?" Or the most frequently asked one is "Why me? "

When we look around during such tough times, everyone around us is happy. Even those people are happy that have done bad deeds. Then we ask HIM another question "Why have you stolen my happiness? Look at him, he's such a curse to the society and still he is happy. Why didn't you put him behind the bars of pain that am suffering through? "Why am I the only one who has to suffer? "

 And this is called struggle. Life is such trouble sometimes. And we all want to avoid it many times, but we can't.

 I believe that we shouldn't avoid such struggles because our greatest growth potential lies in these areas only. Our biggest potential resides in these struggles only.

I myself have faced many big and small struggles till date and am thankful to all of them because they have made me what I am today. You really can't put a price tag on the value you extract from such struggles in life. Many of the cancer survivors have put down this "feeling of victory after struggles" so well, that even I can't put it that well in words. Some names that come to my mind right now are Lisa Ray, Yuvraj Singh and Lance Armstrong. They all fought cancer so bravely, confidently and positively.  They truly are heroes. Salute. Hats off! If you have read any of their interviews/articles you'll see that they found a new strength in those struggles.

This is the power of struggles in our lives. Struggles in our lives aren’t there to break us, instead, they’re in our lives to make us a better version of ourselves. I found a new strength after my recent struggles. In that deep abyss of struggle, I found bravery, strength, conviction, passion and a powerful strength I’ve never felt before. I really never felt alive before!  I feel alive now, after coming out of that deep mysterious abyss of struggle.

And in case you think that where is God during hour those toughest struggles, then I would suggest you read the line below. It will give you some hope.

When you're thinking where God is during your toughest days, just remember one thing that the teacher is always silent during the test.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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