Tuesday, January 10, 2017

When Inequality Hurts

We all are humans. And with being humans, comes the need to be heard, to be respected and to be treated equally. Still, this world will not stop from forcing us into its abyss where inequality resides. Today we're going to talk about inequality.

Inequality is a situation where we feel that we're being undervalued as compared to our peers. Of course, it'll hurt you when the guy sitting next to you works less than you and still takes the same number of dollars to home as you. Of course, it'll hurt you if the guy who never studied properly, got his marks in the 90s in finals whereas you got what you couldn't even imagine! Of course, it will hurt you if your boss prefers another intern because she is sexier than you whereas you have much better qualifications and the set of skills. Different people residing in different countries, having different mindsets and going through different circumstances, but the same issue: Inequality.

Inequality isn't that much popular in these times as it used to be during the times of Nelson Mandela. But yes, it is there in the society. So, how to look at it?

We all feel uncared, insecure and doubtful of our own capabilities when such incidents happen with us. What I suggest you to do in such situations is; focus on what can be done. Not on what can't be done. If you can't change anything why worry? If you can change it, then also why worry? 

When you focus on the ill-treatment given to you by your boss or when you focus on the guy who got more marks than you, at that time, you're just giving yourself the signals that you're not worth the prize. At that time, you, yourself are giving away your willpower to be dominated subconsciously by the other person. And that does make you weak! At that time you are just stuck in the scarcity mindset.

The world isn't over here. The world for you begins then, the very moment you experience inequality in some way or the other, because every problem is an opportunity in disguise. When you focus on seeing the inequality as the best time to move on from your current job, you turn the coin and see another side.... Guess what it's called... It's called as abundance mindset.

. I think the solution settles down to the fact that, if you want to see the glass as half empty or half full, it’s completely your choice.

Be on the lookout for another blog post that will be here soon, giving you simple tactics and ways to shift from scarcity to abundance mindset.

Hope I’ve been of service to you :)

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

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