Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Invest in Humanity

I don't have the privilege to have a large number of friends, that's why I don't have many. I kind of enjoy having my own alone time a lot. Yes, I do have friends, but only a few. Two of my friends had the following conversation. Let's give them names A and B for ease.

The story line is that my friend "A" was needing some money to give a gift to his new girlfriend. So "B" had some pocket money saved so he promised to give it to him (A). As "B" was coming to give the money to him, he gave that money to an auto rickshaw driver because the auto rickshaw driver had to give the money to his landlord as that day was the last day of the payment term period. 
My friend "B" has traveled a lot from that auto and thus, he knew that auto driver.

My friend "A" said to me "See Prateek, what kind of a friend is he ? I wanted that money to give that expensive perfume to my girlfriend and he gave that money to someone else"

My instant reply to this was "I understand buddy. But see what he has done. He has truly invested in humanity. By giving that money to you, of course, he would be happy to help you but just look at the satisfaction on his face now. He's euphoric."

And then even my friend "A" realized his mistake.

It's not just about the money my friend gave to the auto driver. It's about the trust and love for humanity that he invested. In this world where people live, money values more to humans than humans, it's so easy to have the biggest possible pocket full of money and it's so difficult to have the biggest heart filled with love and compassion for others.
The moment we start loving money more than humans, we start measuring relationships in monetary terms and this is the biggest blunder of all time. You can buy money with strong relationships, but you can never buy a relationship with the dollars in your bank account. How do you think such strong businesses were developed? They had such Top level management that believes in the power of humans and agrees that the most important asset of the company goes up every morning and comes down every evening through the lift. Relationships, be it in business or otherwise, have to be built on strong foundations of kindness, compassion, love and trust. This is the best way to invest in humanity.

So please invest in humanity. Period.

Till next time. . .

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

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