Thursday, December 01, 2016

Where Do You Count Yourself ?

It's a basic human tendency to count ourselves as superior to other human beings around us. Yes, no doubt in the fact that we are all masters of different crafts and skills and no one can match us; we are all unique. But what drives me to think is that does such kind of thinking makes us arrogant, egoistic or kind and a gentle human being ? This is by far the most imperative, highly impressionable point I have ever encountered with.

The main question I want you to consider right now, is that where do you count yourself ? Do you get counted as an arrogant, grumpy person or you are loved by all for being a kind and gentle human being ?

Now I know, no one of us would raise a hand and say "oh yeah! I am the grumpy idiot you're looking for".

So for your sake, I have developed a few questions for you to answer that will determine your side soon. Please be honest with yourself and give out the answer as quickly as it snaps, without delay.

Here we go !

Ready ?

1)    In a marriage or a family function or a big party, do you stand outside the group, make fewer conversations and tend to be a wallflower, preferring not to go and meet the other people ?

2)    When you wake up, you get straight into the shower, eat your breakfast and rush off to the office, without kissing goodbye to your loved ones ?

3)    Do you like the face you see in the mirror each and every day in the morning?

4)    Do you feel that your everyday activity is getting you somewhat closer to where you want to be at the end of your life ?

5)    Do you help a stranger now and then ?

6)    Do you believe in charity ?

7)    Do you ever feel like taking a flower (without any special occasion) for your sweetheart to tell him/her how much you appreciate them ?

8)    Do you have a weekly habit of calling up your parents and a monthly habit (at least once a month) to meet them ?

9)    Have you installed the same beliefs in your life which you proudly lecture to your peers about?

10)  Are you taking responsibility today ?

11)  Do you pay gratitude for what you have today, instead of fretting over for what you lack ?

12)  Can you show your answers, proudly, to these questions to your closest ones ?

13)  Do you love yourself ?

Result Time !

If you have answered "No" to 5 or more questions, then buddy, you stand on the egoistic, arrogant side. See it's not my view point, it's a general view. If you are not praising your wife for making a tasty dish, then to her you would definitely look grumpy. If you don't appreciate your subordinates or make no room for them to unleash their creativity then you will be tagged as a dictator, not a leader.

Reflect upon these questions in your journal today and deeply think where all do you need improvement.

We all have imperfections, including me, but we all can improve.

My job here is done to make you aware of your negatives. Action part lies on your side. Will you make the effort to move the needle from being a grumpy man to a kind, generous human being ?

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

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