Thursday, May 27, 2021

What Can Death Teach You?


This one is surely not just going to be another motivational blog but also one that will make you think spiritually, but at the same time challenging you to think deeply and determine your meaning and mission in life. It's going to make you feel worthless at some point, and that's going to be okay... Because when we see how shit we are... Only then we can work on removing that shit and replacing it with something valuable. Identification of a problem is halfway solving it. :) Always remember that!


So, we all know what time we're all going through. I recently lost a close family member of mine. He was the cutest and still the strictest member! (Haha... Weird combination? Yes, I know. Well that defined him :) I loved him to the core. And still, miss him. But the reason am writing this today, is to let you think, about how precious this life truly is.


You don't know when your last moment of life is. Do you? Just stop here.






Isn't life fragile?



Isn't life meant for something more than caring for your ego, money, material, and all other external beauties? ( No I don't mean the models... Come


Nothing you earn here, love here, make here, eat here, drive here, live where, gather with, think about, get depressed about, worry much, hate to the core, or even love the most is going to stay with you forever. Nothing. So what's the use of being so attached to stuff?


On the other hand, if you're attached, know that when the time comes, you'll have to let them go. Let them go gracefully and thanking them for the time they had for you and with you. Because someday... We all will go. You'll go. I'll go. And some other human will replace us. Can you imagine how scary that might sound to most of us? That today, you're loved, missed, cared, thought about, talked to, and then some day, it'll all go off. Like a switch off. On..... OFF.


This is scary for most of us, yes, I admit, but somewhere, it's enlightening for some. Why?


Because this tells us exactly how and what value this life holds and how much we happen to cling on to stuff that can so easily be snatched from us in a matter of mini seconds.


No. You don't need to live life with the fear of death... I'd like you to imagine how you'd live each day knowing that you might not be here tomorrow so why not shower some extra love, care, happiness, smiles, laughter, miss yous, love yous, hugs, and kisses to everyone around? And, please for god’s sake don’t run after strangers to kiss them! Haha. Well, you know what I mean, don’t you? :)


Coming back to our talk, this life is very very small. Very very minute and every second you waste on thinking negatively about someone or something is one second you’re snatching away from your peace of mind. And when you're at your peace of mind, only then you can truly attain the state of a yogi.


Yogis don't feel sadness. This is false. They do. They're humans too. But they can see the meaning behind it and that's what gives them an extra quality that we call wisdom. Yogis feel sadness, they let it come, acknowledge it and then let the sadness sit with them in silence. They don't talk to it. They don't let it talk as well. They just let it be. And slowly when sadness isn't entertained, it quickly moves on. :) Moving on is what makes this whole nature work. Earth is moving on. The wind is moving on. Even your eyes are moving. And now that you've noticed your focus has now moved to notice your eyes moving. So see, everything everywhere is moving. :)


So why be stuck at one point? :)


Live each day as it's your last. I presume you might have heard from me before. But when have you lived it? Love. Laugh. Live. Read this? When did you apply this?


My friend, nothing is permanent. Neither you. Nor me. Nor your loved ones. I know it hurts to read this, but always, truth doesn't just sting, it teaches. Learn from this to let stuff go, let stuff come, let it stay, love, don't indulge in it, and lastly let it all go when the time comes.


The only thing that doesn't remain here is our soul. And when you're buying yourself the expensive stuff, you aren't making your soul happy, you're making your heart and mind happy. Want a demonstration? Okay.


Cook your favourite meal. Don't eat it. Prepare it first. Plate it nicely. Be careful not to spill it. Now, wait and look at it. Don't eat it yet. Take a few bites out of it and keep it in a small bowl. Take the bowl in your hand, sit on your dining table or your usual dining spot, look at it, and now get eating that bowl. How does it feel? Yummy right? This is your mind and heart being happy.

Now get up and get that plate, go out and give this plate to a homeless to eat. And when they're taking it from you, look at their smile, their happiness, and their eyes. Are your pupils a little dilated? Now, this is your soul being happy my friend... :)


There's a very strange thing that happens when you happen to work for your job if you truly dedicate yourself to it. It doesn't just remain as a mere job or task to do, it becomes a craft in your eyes. And when this happens, nothing matters around you, who's where, how's the weather, how much income I make out of this, or even if you will complete it or not. You just happen to enjoy that moment. The touch between you and your craft. That's truly beautiful. And that's some of the few priceless moments we all should strive to achieve. Because I feel that doing tasks with so much focus that they seem like craft to you, truly becomes like a mediation... And when you come out of it .. you feel good, empowered, and peaceful. And... Isn't all that we all run around to find in this world? :)


It's all in you man! You just got to sit and find! :)


Do things only for your soul to be happy, so that when it's time to go, you have nothing but sweet memories of people whose lives you've touched, and maybe they'll be crying for you too for the kind of soul you are. Nothing lives here. Only the sweet memories, kind deeds, and passion for your craft are what is left behind for others to adore and remember you. :)


So why not leave a much bigger impact and not just be stuck in this pothole of "Me, Myself and Mine". Let it be "You, Ours, and We."


If you have any questions do hit me up on the mail, though I rarely reply late, excuse me if I do.


Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay soulful. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2021



Simple acts. It's always the simplest of actions that can either make you or break you. To the naked human eye, they seem like action-less acts or a magic wind flowing by, but deep down inside, they're always happening. Always. Breathing. Heartbeat. Your internal organs working. Earth growing seeds to plants. Such simple, yet noble and humble acts are what defines the true meaning of how simple yet reliable such small acts are... Another strange fact is that it's not even our fault that we can't happen to notice such small acts. We are all accustomed to such a fast-paced environment that we get jitty or irritated when things don't go as fast as we expect them to be. Now you'll be asking me, how can I know that most of us reading this are fast pace lovers instead of simple yet incredible people indulged in the hottest act of pursuing passion with grit..? Simple. You, the person reading this, there's a 90% chance that given a choice, you'd always make a 2-minute noodles pack instead of a full pasta meal for yourself. ;) Tell me? Won't you? :) 

See... That's what am trying to convey here. We are this much accustomed to getting our stuff fast that we have somewhere sacrificed quality over the speed of feeding ourselves. And this feeding can be in different ways because this feeding is happening in all the ways that you are or aren't aware of. 

Take Mother nature for example... Mother nature processes, makes, loves, cares, and nurtures fruits and vegetables so beautifully for us, takes months to prepare a single serving for us, and yet we happen to choose the 30 seconds delivery option of burger joints. (Okay, sorry such joints lovers :( lol. Had to break this to you) 

Take your mind now as an example. We're just so much distracted by our cellphones that we have forgotten how to connect to people that we care about. That's insane! If I give you one movie to watch, damn yes you'd be ready, but when I give you a book to read..... Naaaaaaahhh... Right?  See. That's the issue here. 

And such patterns set by society are destroying you. They're destroying the basic human instinct to try, fail, learn, try, fail, learn, try, win, learn. This is just a vicious circle set up to keep you trapped inside the whirlwind. 

But there's a small key that this society has placed in front of you, to get away from this pattern, but the key is hidden so much deep into this whirlwind that it's very tough to find it. And the key to that is simple..... Awareness. :) 

Be aware of what you do. Be aware of the people you spend your time with. Be aware of the things you spend your money on. Be aware of the type of thoughts you let enter your mind palace. Be aware of what you're eating. Be aware of your country's political scenario. Be aware of your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological health. Be. Aware. :) 

Not everyone can be this. Neither am I. :) But we're all on the same journey. So take up my hand, and let's rise. Because when you're aware, then you're the most dangerous thing to the societal patterns and norms. And nothing can beat down a person when he/she is aware. Because.... Being aware is being in connection to the infinite intelligence up there..and there's nothing hiding from it. :) 

And, when you start being more aware.... You'll notice, how the simplest of actions are so pure, enjoyable, and rewarding no matter the duration of the task. :) It's all simple... And mind you, don't confuse simple with easy. Ever! Simple is always difficult to do and easy is always difficult to digest. Working hard day in and out to get your dream bank account balance is simple yet difficult. But becoming a millionaire quickly by robbing a bank doesn't sound that sexy, does it? ;) Haha... :D 

Well, I hope you liked this article! :)

#StayMotivated #StayExcited #StayHappy