Excuse me for this, but this particular blog post is actually for
those specific group of people who have a habit of "doing it later".
And this “later” never comes. I always share with you all the topic of how to
be more productive and more energized, but today I felt the need to write for
the other group of people.
We all have seen, met and loved such people in our lives who were
always de-motivated about doing their work. Such people fall into the
procrastination group. These guys are generally fat, lazy and are the worst
companions to roam around with. They infuse you with their negativity and make
you feel to get off track about chasing your worthy goals and ambitions.
For such people, I don't feel hatred. I feel pity. Because they
are not made aware of the tremendous potential they possess and the
opportunities they are losing, are nothing but the precious time they are
letting go of their hands like grains of sand.
If you are one of those people who don't like to work and sit
around in your home, nibble on all the chips and coke cans you have in your
kitchen, I would like to invite you to see the life, but from your angle only !
Not from mine or anybody else's angle.
I know you must be
bombarded with such advice, rebukes, and anger from all people around you. That
is the reason why I want to show you what I want to show you, from your own
Okay, so now, look around you. What can you see?
In your house, what can you see right now? Your mother is working
in the kitchen preparing the supper, your dad just returned from his tiring day
at the office where he works his butt off each and every day. Now look at the
AC in your room. It's working. Constantly you change the temperature to
meet your requirements.
Suppose your dad is taking you guys out for dinner because he got
the promotion, which for so many days he had his eyes on. (Note: here
the promotion also means he is changing or maybe I should say evolving
in his job)
You guys get in the car ready to go to your favorite restaurant.
You are in your car. How does a car work? The car works by moving. Word
to be noted here is "moving".
Look outside the window. What can you see then? Other cars are passing
by. Some cars are better than yours, some cheaper than yours. Still, all are
similar in one aspect, all are doing what? All are moving.
After having your meal, you guys go out for a walk from the
restaurant to the parking lot. And as you are passing by the streets, you hear
some voices of laughter, you turn around and you see some men around 26 of age,
enjoying and sharing jokes. You feel how happy they are, enjoying their lives
and here you are just getting sad as the time passes by.
You reach home with your mom and dad. You reach your room. Now
before you turn on the lights, just look at your house for a second. What do
you see?
Darkroom. Blackness spread over like the night. Stillness. No life
in it. Dead.
Do you like your room like that? No, you don't. And thus you bring
everything back to life with the switch.
See my dear friend, this is the way your family feels about you
when you are not doing anything and sitting like a lifeless statue in their
lives. When you went out and saw all the world "moving" didn't that
shake you up?
Moving, changing, evolving, working,
these are all the synonyms of activity. The reason you feel sad, gloomy
and de-motivated is because you are not being a part of this universe. This
universe is constantly moving forward to change. Like you feel
differently about different people, you have different and evolving preferences
in the food you order every time you enter the same restaurant and here you are
sitting idle, wasting up your time, procrastinating the responsibilities you
have and thus postponing your own success.
You have two choices now, either keep on being lazy and become a
part of forgettable history or to get up, roll your sleeves and show
to the world that you count too, create something magnificent in your life and
be part of the unforgettable winners of history.
The choice is yours.
You all might be having someone in your life who falls into this
category of lazy people. It could be a subordinate at your office or it could
be your own daughter or it could be a student in your class, whoever it is,
please share with him/her my this insight and let them shine in this world.
This is simply because they deserve success, as much as you and I.
Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.
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