Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to stay happy in every situation we face ?

Happiness is a subjective state. Or to simplify it more for you, happiness comes from inside.

There are times when we are feeling miserable and sad, because many times you are trying to find out happiness from your outside world. See, there is no harm in that, we all seek happiness and a good laugh from our peer groups and our close ones, but many times these are the very people who make us sad and gloomy. These are the people who sometimes stab us in the back and hurt us deeply. For this, let me give you a few pointers on how to feel truly happy.


Yes, you got me right! stop spending a lot of time with those who love you in front of you and when you turn your back, they start criticizing you. Such people don’t deserve your time and love, so leave them alone slowly. With this I mean that, be friends with them but just the Hi or Hellos friends, not more than that.


Start spending a lot of time with yourself, eat some good pasta alone, be your best companion. I feel this is the truest way to be happy from inside. Love yourself, understand what drives you and motivates you in life. Make the time to analyze what passions you had in the childhood but somewhere got lost, reignite that fire and work towards them! This feel surely make you feel happy.


Every Sunday night, as you are going to sleep, for a few minutes, take your journal out, think about how well you performed during that week, how many good laughter did you share and how many times did you rise yourself up from the negativity of the world. Give yourself a check for this. By doing this, you will be feeling more alive and more energized during your life. And if you don’t feel you have lived upto that level, make it a resolution to be more happy next week ! Seems like an interesting game, isn’t it?


I know you won’t believe if I tell you that there is a never ending waterfall of happiness hidden inside of you. Don’t just look onto the faces of others to make you happy, because if you will, one day they will think that you are lonely and sad from inside and will thus leave you. I have seen many people getting attracted to the “happy” people in a room. You know what differentiates between those few and all others ? It is the fact that former produces happiness and the latter just receives it.

Nothing is really bad in this world. It’s all about the lens you are using to view it. For a few days, use my lens by trying out whatever I have shared with you, then come back here and do share with me how you felt.

Let me give you a sneak peek idea, watch Mr. Bean videos whenever you feel sad, it will surely lift up your mood.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Why is it important to be disciplined ?

Suppose you have a passion for something, say physics, but you lack the devotion and dedication to pursue that vision and on the other hand you have another guy in your class who just “naturally” happens to be smart in that subject. Of course, when he/she beats you in class test, you will be questioning your intelligence, but this is the part where you should questioning your devotion and not your intelligence.

See, hard work beats intelligence when intelligence doesn’t work hard !
And by “work hard” I mean the word devotion or as you refer to it as “discipline”
Discipline is so very much important in the area where you want to master.
Discipline teaches us a lot of things that we cannot learn by reading or just sharing with other or by listening to some great stories of great men.

Can you learn how to swim without ever standing in the pool ?
I bet you cannot.
This the same reason why discipline is so very much important to master anything in life. Here are a few pointers for you to understand the importance of discipline :-

    Discipline factor only comes into force when you do something in a planned and a proper way. Without Scheduling there is no Craft Mastering. Please remember this.

    Discipline is the best teacher we could ever get. We get to learn a lot in the process of our struggles and in the journey to achieve our dream goal. Whenever we sit down or we lack the motivation to do something, the discipline factor motivates us from inside and makes us roll our sleeves again. Ready to fight and hustle for dreams.

    When we are doing something that requires our disciplined action, the value of time passing by is realized much attentively than sitting on the couch and eating pizza all day does.
    After you have really worked hard for something, just look at yourself in the mirror. You will completely see a NEW YOU !!!. And how does that happen ? Because the act of disciplined work makes us focused, releases various motivational factors and chemicals in our brain and makes us feel euphoric. Ever wondered how difficult it is for that caterpillar to escape the cocoon ? It is that never ending thirst to escape, backed by disciplined action which turns a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, ready to fly in the world !

Discipline is the backbone of all success. All great inventions, till day, have been a product of relentless passion and never-ending disciplined action till the goal got achieved.
I myself believe that there is nothing that can beat a person who has disciplined action and burning passion in his armory. 

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Am I a nobody in this world ?

The no. 1 reason why you are feeling this is that you have let the society define who you are. Let me ask you a question, How do you define yourself? Answer this question from the bottom of your heart. Many a times we define ourselves from the spectacles of the society, please dodge that and answer who you truly are ? What are the things that make you happy? Focus on them for a while. Recognize what are your true passions. It could be writing a nice article or it could be that you are a true fitness freak or it could be that you can sing or dance amazingly. So, identify your positives for a few seconds and note them down in a paper. Mind is a very playful being, so it will drag your focus to your negatives because all these years the society has hard wired our brains to focus on the negatives. So, don’t lose hope, focus on your positives and don’t listen to the society because at the end of the day it is your life. Not theirs. :) You are special. You are unique. There is never going to be a same person exactly like you on Earth ever, so make it count!
You are not nobody in this world, you are “somebody” born for greatness! 

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

The “Big 7” for de-stressing yourself

We all have our share of happiness to enjoy as well as problems to face. But the tools that we can use, to adjust ourselves in such a way that we get vaccinated from the pain of such times, is just awesome to even read about it! Isn't it? So would you not like to have that inner stronger self to build yourself beautifully from inside that no amount of tensions, struggles can disbalance you?
I know you do. So here are seven pointers I would like to share with you, which you can apply into your life to manage the stress more wisely than ever.

Might be life's lows have bogged you down so very much that, the passionate electricity you once had has vanished due to the burden of the current stressful times. Do yourself a favor and read these points to revolutionize your life completely.


Journaling has been my most effective tool in times of distress.

 Note down whatever is troubling you right now. Might be you have been through a break up with your sweetheart, might be you have gone through a divorce recently or might be you have been ridiculed regularly by your office team mates. Write it down.

Let the fresh paper be your best friend. While you're writing your problems, feel, that you are telling your worries to the most trusted person in the world. Of course, it isn't possible for the people whom you think would be there by your side, to be there always. And might be they will just say plain NO to you and leave you in those dark valleys. But you shouldn't lose hope because you have the ultimate power, the God or the Magical power which is hanging this planet Earth on merely nothing in the air.

I find journaling as the best medium to connect to that higher power. I write down my problems, seek answers and keep on writing and writing until I see an answer before me. Believe me, my dear friend, that power is ready to help you, all you need to do is to ASK for it.


Mind and Body are connected. What mind signals, body does. But, have you ever thought that how do you feel pain ?

When our body feels interrupted and disturbed, it sends signals to our brain which then decide if it's a happy or a sad mood. If it’s a happy mood the brain instructs our body to smile, if it's a sad mood it makes us cry. So, in fact, not only mind is the master of the body, you are the ULTIMATE master of your mind as well. And exercising in stressful times will do just more good than you could possibly think.

Make your body move.

Get up off that couch, put on your running shoes, run as fast as you can and when tired, sit down and ask this question to yourself "The problem that is so much irritating me, will it really count for me after 3 years from now ?"

 I know you'll feel that how silly you were to spend energy on such useless problems which could have been invested on your mighty missions in life.


No matter what problem you are going through just DONT fill your stomach with all that junk food! Obviously, it looks tasty and the researches have proved that the junk foods mostly contain colors like red, yellow and orange that increase the appetite and make you "feel hungry" when you see those foods, even though you are not.

Yes! You should eat those foods, those junk foods too because despite the harm they do to your body, they also sometimes makes us feel happy and lift our moods.

But let me give you a strategy on HOW TO EAT JUNK FOOD so that it does more good than harm to you :-

When you are having your pizza, feel it. Savor the taste of each and every bite. Feel that cheese melting in your mouth. Relinquish that crispiness of the fresh cut capsicum and tomato, feel the taste of that grilled chicken. Enjoy the little sounds of the crispiness of that wonderful crust. Make your heart eat that pizza with your stomach. Dive deep into the exotic herbs and spicy chili flakes. And then with the chilled beer or coke, do the ending part so beautifully!

How did you feel after reading it?


 Well, that is the true way to eat my friend. To make yourself last longer, eat your every bite as if it is your last.


We really never had these Big TVs and the awesome PlayStation when the humanity started. Now if you think that there was no stress at that time, you are so damn wrong! Actually, I believe those were the most stressful times.

Why was the wheel invented?
To do away with the stress of traveling.

Why was fire invented?
To do away with the stress of being cold in the winters.

Yes we can say that stress does inspire the great beings on earth to innovate or let me put it this way, that "stress mostly in all cases breeds innovation and growth"

Why was dancing and singing invented? Yup, you got it, to deal away with mental stress.

Don't think about why and how the problem started and what a pathetic end it had, instead, get your speakers on, put on some music that makes you feel happy and then just lose the world in your dance.


As we were talking about pizza, let's go to its not-so-distant cousin pasta! Now don't tell me you are already drowning in the cheesiness of pizzas and pasta in your dreams!

So, as I was sharing, cooking does provide our senses, the relief we need in times of pressure. As much as relief you felt while eating that pizza above mentioned, just imagine how much enjoying would it be to actually make it  !
Making that pizza base, applying that fresh cheese from the packet, and let me give you a loophole (put some extra cheese on it! If you promise me to shed that up with exercising it out), then cutting that fresh capsicum, juicy tomato etc and then sprinkling them here and there. Adding the pizza paste. Making sure that you add those chilly oh-so-finger-licking spicy spices to it. Then impatiently waiting for the pizza to be ready!

Then when it is ready, slowly sinking the aroma in your senses, ready to eat the pizza with your eyes and then your mouth, couldn't just wait!

Loving the description?

Make it real. You'll feel it.

I feel that is the main reason why the Italians are so happy people. Whatever they make, be it simple pasta that has just the pasta, basil and olive oil, it will seem to you like the best dishes in the world. Why? Because Italian made pasta oozes the love of it.

What I suggest to you here is that make your favorite dish. Serve yourself with something that makes you happy. And why not make something with utmost love for your family?

Feel the food. Feel love.


In times of tensions, we often neglect the power of sharing. We think that others are themselves busy in their lives and have to deal with their own set of tensions, in doing so we drift ourselves much closer to depression.

Sharing is caring.

If you share your problems with your near ones, they'll support you and give you an idea or a mindset that will change your life. Sometimes we can't notice the opportunity to change the situation knocking at the door to come in, let your near ones open the door for your self-growth and improvement.


You really thought I wouldn't have this on my list?

Smiling does more good to your mental health than you could ever imagine. Just stretching those few muscles of your face, standing in front of the mirror is enough for lifting your mood. Or maybe your situation is that hard that you cannot smile then I have a solution for you.

Who is the person in your life that you love a lot ? Go to him/ her. Hug them like it's your last. And see their smile. The rest of the problems will eventually be taken care of.

So there you have it. 7 simple habits for changing your mood.
 Am obviously not recommending to apply them all, in the red alert situation, but whenever you are in times of distress, try few of them, as per the intensity of the situation. So, embrace your tensions. Because nothing can grow you better than them!

In the end, I can say only one thing "difficult times do break you down, but to reconstruct you filled with more wisdom, love, care and a sense of self-worth"

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

There has to be a cause

Have you ever asked the three letter word that resembles our curiosity and engages our mind in thinking deeply?

We all ask this question so many times. In school, we irritated some of our teachers by asking them so many WHYs. We, humans, have the basic tendency to ask about something if we don't understand it completely and to the point we get satisfied.

Observe a small child for an hour. Talk with her. And in that one hour, that little girl will always be asking you “n” numbers of "WHYs". Children are just the passionate hotbeds who couldn't digest a small amount of information.
From the childhood itself, we are accustomed to the habit of asking “WHYs” a lot.

And why do we ask so many "WHYs"?

Because we are looking for the reason. The cause behind what has made this thing turn out the way it has. All of our questions that we ask in our day to day life are to find that cause.

Now let me invite you to consider the fact that we really never ask this question to ourselves daily. Now you would say "why should we ask this question?"

Because you and I, we deserve a better life. We all deserve to live our dreams.

We all deserve to be happy and enjoy the little pleasures with our families.
We all deserve to be at the top of the mountain.
We all deserve to be regarded as the ultimate heavyweight champion of our field.
We all deserve to be among the best human beings who ever walked this planet.

And for this, we need to ask this question daily to ourselves, twice.

Once when you wake up in the morning, to remind you that you have to display your values and shower the world with your love. And secondly, at the night, to make yourself aware that yes, you are contributing to the world in some way. Be it small. But you are.

We all need to hang this question on each of the tasks we do in our day to day lives because what differentiates a great human being from an ordinary one is that, the great one was acutely focused on delivering their best to their clients or customers or to the world as a whole.

All of us are humans. We go through tough times, we go through rough times and we go through very good times as well.

 It's easy to stay positive and on track during easy times, but when the going gets tough, it's the ingrained granular crystal clear vision and definite set of actions that determine if you'll be a success or not. It's not said in vain that "tough times define the true matter of a strong man".

And obviously for designing such set of unique and exquisitely gorgeous habits we need to start from ground level. So, for the ground level, kindly do this simple exercise :-

Take a fresh paper. Divide it into two halves. One approx three times bigger than the other one. Basically, you have to divide that page into 1/4th and another one to be 3/4th of the page.
On the 1/4th one, write down the daily action of yours. And on the other one, write down the "reason" that why you did that.
Put the headings as Action and Cause respectively.
Now as your day passes by just start noting down your each and every activity in the Action side and write down in detail why you did that in the Cause side.

Whatever you do in a day, each second, each minute of your each hour determines your success speed.

So after you have noted down the above-mentioned tool, and have written down your daily acts for one week. On Sunday night, take a look at that particular chart.

And when you are done with that analysis, simply put the line "WHAT'S THE CAUSE OF DOING IT?" Behind each and everything you have noted down on the Cause side.

Make a note of them all. And then ask another profound question to yourself "IS IT TAKING YOU CLOSER TO YOUR DREAMS?"

You'll be astonished to know how much potential you are really wasting.

What's cause behind spending hours in chit chatting with friends?
What's the cause behind going from link to link on YouTube when you have so much work to do?
What's the cause to live life so ordinarily when you know you're meant for greatness?
What's the use of backbiting others and gossiping so much ?

I have myself used this method long time back and it has served me in increasing my productivity and happiness 100X. And I believe we all deserve to be happy and productive. If you are happy you can be productive. And if you start being productive you start feeling happy. And if one stops, so does the other one.

Therefore to be happy and productive, it's very important to assess each and every action of yours so that you are sure it's in line with your dreams. If it isn't a piece that could fit anywhere in your big jigsaw puzzle, simply delete it.

Please apply this simple tool that I have shared with you so that you could reach for those dreams and even fly above those clouds. That is my heartfelt wishes for you and your bright future ahead!

Good luck!

Follow this simple tool and do share your results.

Till next time.

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Am I a misfit ?

I understand, that it is a bit strange for you to find such a topic on my blog and most obviously, you are intrigued by the fact that why today have I taken this topic to write. Rest your questions. Let's talk.

Many times we have had this thought that the world is right and we are wrong. This arises the self-doubt. And as soon as we start immersing ourselves and keep dwelling on this thought of "if I am a misfit or not" before we know it, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, which then feeds on our minds like weeds destroying a gorgeous garden.

So how to avoid it and make sure that we keep our mind's beautiful garden weed free ?

 For that we first need to understand the concept behind "I'm a misfit or not" mindset.

Obviously, I am no certified doctor or a psychiatrist but I have seen the lows of life a lot more than my peers and have myself suffered this fear's pain. Have been there. Done that. Came out successfully. So I thought, why not help others overcome this fear ?

In this blog post I'll not only just remove that weed completely from your mind, but till the end of the blog post, I assure you that you will feel the presence of a newly sown seed of self-confidence and vitality within you. Because if we leave it removed, it will surely grow back. (No am not into farming, if you're thinking that, but my mom is. Happened to learn a thing or two from her)

You are a misfit. You think so ... okay. Give me the reason. WHY ?

Is it because you are so much passionate about chasing your dreams ?

Is it because you are always ready to help people?

Is it because you happen to forgive people much easily than if the sides are exchanged?

Is it because you love others so much and you don't get that love back ?

Or is it because you have that faith in your skills that the world cannot see you successful, but you can ?

What is your reason?

And am asking YOUR REASON!
Not the society's reason !!!

For instance, if you are answering me that "my friends and family members who know me well, they have told me that I can't do it" then still it isn't YOU speaking.

I demand an answer from you.

Why do you think that you are a misfit ?

Write down that reason on a piece of paper.

And now reflect on it.
You'll be astonished to discover that what you are thinking is not what your mind is saying, instead it's the product of other people's mindset and opinions.
If you want to be a dancer then be it. Stretch yourself to that bigness. The world will never be able to measure your dreams in their short sighted closed box mentality.
The world never believed the impossible word to be defeated until some man got up, rolled up his sleeves, slogged day and night and made that possible.

The world always used to believe that it is impossible to break the four-minute mile race record. Many tried and failed. A guy named Roger Bannister did what nobody could imagine and broke that record. It went viral. And within few weeks others were seen covering that distance in less than four minutes as well. I think we have a lot to learn from this story. Firstly, that nothing is undefeatable for the man who never gives up and is burning with hot red passion for differentiating himself from the crowd. And secondly, no one believed it could be done until one man did it. And others thus followed him. Why? Because he gave them the hope that it can be done !

We all are misfits in some way or other. Am no exception. Negatives and positives are there in all of us. Yin Yang. It obviously is true. But it solely rests in your hands to take your good to such a high level that your bad becomes so light that one day it vanishes from the brightness of the good in you. And just reflect in the thought that "IF WE REALLY WERE A MISFIT, WHY WOULD THEN WE BE HAVING THAT POWER TO THINK ABOUT OUR DREAMS ?"

You are not a misfit. Believe me. You are sent on this planet Earth to complete a mission. This world wouldn't have been the same if you weren't in it. We need you. The world needs your talents. See yourself as a small jigsaw piece of a big jigsaw puzzle. Earth is that image on it and I and you are just those tiny little jigsaw pieces. It all just fits in !
It will take you time to find your right place in it. Where you fit. Happily and lively. When you do discover it... You'll be ecstatic! :) And that is my heartfelt wishes for you.

So I want to leave you today with the thought that why not you be the Roger Bannister of your field?

Please remember that you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing, and you don’t even need permission from the world to get your dreams done. What you do today is important, because you are exchanging one day of your life for it.

It's okay for the world to not believe in you. It's okay for the critics to laugh at your idea to be a legend. It's okay to sometimes fight over with your loved ones over your passion. Because in the end, only one question will remain.

"Did you make it happen ?"

Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.