There are times when we are feeling miserable and sad, because many times you are trying to find out happiness from your outside world. See, there is no harm in that, we all seek happiness and a good laugh from our peer groups and our close ones, but many times these are the very people who make us sad and gloomy. These are the people who sometimes stab us in the back and hurt us deeply. For this, let me give you a few pointers on how to feel truly happy.
Yes, you got me right! stop spending a lot of time with those who love you in front of you and when you turn your back, they start criticizing you. Such people don’t deserve your time and love, so leave them alone slowly. With this I mean that, be friends with them but just the Hi or Hellos friends, not more than that.
Yes, you got me right! stop spending a lot of time with those who love you in front of you and when you turn your back, they start criticizing you. Such people don’t deserve your time and love, so leave them alone slowly. With this I mean that, be friends with them but just the Hi or Hellos friends, not more than that.
Start spending a lot of time with yourself, eat some good pasta alone, be your best companion. I feel this is the truest way to be happy from inside. Love yourself, understand what drives you and motivates you in life. Make the time to analyze what passions you had in the childhood but somewhere got lost, reignite that fire and work towards them! This feel surely make you feel happy.
Start spending a lot of time with yourself, eat some good pasta alone, be your best companion. I feel this is the truest way to be happy from inside. Love yourself, understand what drives you and motivates you in life. Make the time to analyze what passions you had in the childhood but somewhere got lost, reignite that fire and work towards them! This feel surely make you feel happy.
Every Sunday night, as you are going to sleep, for a few minutes, take your journal out, think about how well you performed during that week, how many good laughter did you share and how many times did you rise yourself up from the negativity of the world. Give yourself a check for this. By doing this, you will be feeling more alive and more energized during your life. And if you don’t feel you have lived upto that level, make it a resolution to be more happy next week ! Seems like an interesting game, isn’t it?
Every Sunday night, as you are going to sleep, for a few minutes, take your journal out, think about how well you performed during that week, how many good laughter did you share and how many times did you rise yourself up from the negativity of the world. Give yourself a check for this. By doing this, you will be feeling more alive and more energized during your life. And if you don’t feel you have lived upto that level, make it a resolution to be more happy next week ! Seems like an interesting game, isn’t it?
I know you won’t believe if I tell you that there is a never ending waterfall of happiness hidden inside of you. Don’t just look onto the faces of others to make you happy, because if you will, one day they will think that you are lonely and sad from inside and will thus leave you. I have seen many people getting attracted to the “happy” people in a room. You know what differentiates between those few and all others ? It is the fact that former produces happiness and the latter just receives it.
I know you won’t believe if I tell you that there is a never ending waterfall of happiness hidden inside of you. Don’t just look onto the faces of others to make you happy, because if you will, one day they will think that you are lonely and sad from inside and will thus leave you. I have seen many people getting attracted to the “happy” people in a room. You know what differentiates between those few and all others ? It is the fact that former produces happiness and the latter just receives it.
Nothing is really bad in this world. It’s all about the lens you are using to view it. For a few days, use my lens by trying out whatever I have shared with you, then come back here and do share with me how you felt.
Let me give you a sneak peek idea, watch Mr. Bean videos whenever you feel sad, it will surely lift up your mood.
Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy.