Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Say "Thank You" More Often

You woke up. 
You checked your cell phone. 
Went to the washroom. 
Brushed your teeth. 
Had some coffee/tea and before you even realize you left for work or to fetch that daily newspaper you so much waited for the whole night!

Now let me ask you one simple question:- Is it you channeling yourself or someone else? 

No! It definitely ain’t you. It’s your boss or your newspaper vendor who’s channeling you and you are completely unaware of this!

Sometimes we do say “Thank You” to both of them, but we so often forget to say thanks to the guy above them too.

Yes, Am referring to the guy up there who gave birth to all of us.

We forget to say thanks to him very often. We forget that he’s the one who has given us each and everything to be thankful for. Gratitude isn’t the only thing am referring you to practice. Not even praying, though the way we pray is altogether not right most of the times(Another post for that later).

It is proved by scientific researches that our soul has some weight too. Our soul is something that isn’t made up of any matter. It’s invisible, yet very much here. Similarly is The God Particle. Some call it Jesus Christ,some call it as The Infinite Intelligence, some call it as Krishna, some as Shiva, some as Waheguru and some as Allah. But all these different paths lead to the same destination.

This very moment when you are reading this write-up, someone in Puerto Rico might be in his last breaths, someone in Thailand might be going through excruciating pain while giving birth to her child, someone in India might be suffering from cancer and praying for his recovery, a single dad in Canada might be leaving his children to school for the first time, a teenager somewhere in Shanghai  is frightened to go to his school because he is made fun of having stutter.

There are many other worse situations you could have been in. But, look around you. Your life is so much blessed. YOU are so much blessed. 


Please don’t spend this beautiful, new, inspiring day remembering your sins. We all have done our part of sins. No one is perfect. But that’s what makes us more human, being aware of our mistakes and learning from them to get better in the art of life.

Say, Thank You to god (or the Universal Energy, whatever you believe in) for giving you one more day to live this beautiful life. You being alive is a blessing. He has a mission for you to fulfill. He has sent you here to make things better, not worse. So why not keep Him in mind always and do the good deed? 

From the bottom of your heart, say Thank You to the energy up there for blessing you with the clothes to wear, family and friends to love, food to eat, water to drink and sheltered home to live in. 

Trust me, when you'll start saying Thank You more often and from the core of yourself, you'll feel blessed and life will thus seem like a playground to dance, live, laugh, and love! :) 

Until next time…
Stay motivated. Stay excited. Stay happy. And . . . Stay grateful!

Thank You for reading my this short article, dear sweet soul! 

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